Ruby Regex: parsing C++ classes -

i curious parsing c++ code using regexp. have far (using ruby) allows me extract class declarations , parent classes (if any):


here example in rubular. notice can capture correctly "declaration" , "inheritance" parts.

the point @ stuck @ capturing class body. if use following extension of original regex:


then can capture class body only if not contain curly braces, , therefore class or function definition. @ point have tried many things none of them make better. instance, if include in regexp fact body can contain braces, capture first class declaration , subsequent classes if part of first class' body!

what missing?

the group capturing might help:

#                   named  v    backref          v /(struct|class)\s+(?<match>{((\g<match>|[^{}]*))*})/m 

here find matching curly bracket 1 following struct/class declaration. want tune regexp, posted make solution clear possible.
