plsql - Issue With PL/SQL Bind Variables -

recently, deployed oracle warehouse builder (owb) mapping. in scenario i'm working right now, mapping (etl process) needs fired trigger after update statement takes place on fact table (working writeback values).

as mapping deployed target schema package, trigger must call main procedure owb creates package. @ first didn't knew how accomplish task, sql developer gave me hint:

enter image description here

so, took code , put inside trigger. this:

create or replace trigger respaldo_historial after update on monitor_ft_tab each row declare    p_status varchar2(200);   p_max_no_of_errors varchar2(200);   p_commit_frequency varchar2(200);   p_operating_mode varchar2(200);   p_bulk_size varchar2(200);   p_audit_level varchar2(200);   p_purge_group varchar2(200);   p_job_audit varchar2(200);  begin    p_max_no_of_errors := null;   p_commit_frequency := null;   p_operating_mode := null;   p_bulk_size := null;   p_audit_level := null;   p_purge_group := null;   p_job_audit := 'true';    siniestros_marcados_map.main(     p_status => p_status,     p_max_no_of_errors => p_max_no_of_errors,     p_commit_frequency => p_commit_frequency,     p_operating_mode => p_operating_mode,     p_bulk_size => p_bulk_size,     p_audit_level => p_audit_level,     p_purge_group => p_purge_group,     p_job_audit => p_job_audit   );    :p_status := p_status;  end respaldo_historial; / 

when tried compile trigger, got screen:

enter image description here

in screen tried clicking "aplicar" (apply in spanish) , without null checkbox, getting output:

trigger respaldo_historial compilado errors: check compiler log 

then ran show errors command , got this:

33/3           pls-00049: bad bind variable 'p_status' 

now don't quite understand these bind variables. if code generated sql developer run package, why error??

please help! need guidelines in matter! greetings!

a colon preceding variable indicates that variable bind variable. bind variables of type typically used pass values in , out of anonymous blocks. they're not allowed in procedures, functions, or triggers. in case, need remove line :p_status := p_status;.


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