ios - How can i create curve UIView/UIImageView not with animation? -
how can create uiview looks , subview same effect. after searching in web found can done calayer, not have enough knowledge on . please me. in advance.
upto levels , understanding have done coding may helpful you.. if not please ignore it..
1st create custom view new file
next, need change class of viewcontroller's view property uiview our customview class. open mainstoryboard.storyboard , in document outline click on view icon. then, open identity inspector (option+command+3) , change class name customview.
then add code in custom view
- (void)drawrect:(cgrect)rect { // drawing code uiimage *imagerecipe =[uiimage imagenamed:@"statement_card_1.png"]; uiimageview *imgview = [[uiimageview alloc]initwithframe:cgrectmake(0 ,0 ,290, 200)]; imgview.image = imagerecipe; [self addsubview:imgview]; cgpoint secondpoint = cgpointzero; cgpoint point1 = cgpointzero; cgpoint initial = cgpointzero; uibezierpath *apath = [uibezierpath bezierpath]; initial = cgpointmake(30, 60); [apath movetopoint:initial]; cgpoint point = cgpointmake(290, 60); cgpoint centerpoint = cgpointmake(point.x/2, -10); [apath addquadcurvetopoint:point controlpoint:centerpoint]; secondpoint = cgpathgetcurrentpoint(apath.cgpath); [apath addlinetopoint:cgpointmake(secondpoint.x, 200.0)]; point1 = cgpathgetcurrentpoint(apath.cgpath); cgpoint p = cgpointmake(initial.x,point1.y); cgpoint cp = cgpointmake(point1.x/2 ,point1.y/2 + 30); [apath addquadcurvetopoint:p controlpoint:cp]; [apath addlinetopoint:cgpointmake(initial.x, secondpoint.y)]; [apath closepath]; [apath stroke]; cashapelayer *masklayer = [cashapelayer layer]; masklayer.frame = imgview.bounds; masklayer.path = apath.cgpath; imgview.layer.mask = masklayer; }
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