Meteor: Tracker.autorun and dep.changed causing infinite loop -
i using new tracker.dependency tracking several things, causes autorun in code below run infinitely. wrong? code below okay once separate getsong , getsongid depend on dep , dep2, instead of dep.
songmanager = { dep: new tracker.dependency, dep2: new tracker.dependency, init: function(songid) { var self = this; this.setsongid(songid); meteor.subscribe('song', songid); tracker.autorun(function(){ var songs = self.getsongcursor().fetch(); if (songs.length > 0) { = songs[0]; self.dep.changed(); } }) }, getsongcursor: function(){ return songs.find({_id: this.getsongid()}); }, getsong: function(){ this.dep.depend(); return; }, getsongid: function(){ this.dep2.depend(); return this.songid; }, setsongid: function(arg){ this.songid = arg; this.dep2.changed(); }, };
the problem you're creating circular dependency. recommend using reactivevar
rather working lower-level dependency api.
meteor add reactive-var
then can this:
songmanager = { song: new reactivevar(), songid: new reactivevar(), init: function(songid) { this.songid.set(songid); this.computation = tracker.autorun(_.bind(this.update, this)); }, update: function() { var songid = this.songid.get(); meteor.subscribe('song', songid);; }, stop: function() { this.computation.stop(); } }; songmanager.init(oldsongid); songmanager.songid.set(newsongid); // after enough time has passed subscription update , tracker flush: var currentsong =; console.log(currentsong._id === newsongid); // true
i added way stop autorun computation doesn't keep running in background when it's no longer necessary. note since subscription run within autorun, automatically stopped , restarted when songid
changes. update function run twice, meteor knows not send 2 identical subscription requests.
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