selenium webdriver - Specflow for UI automation -

for our project, tdd approach followed developed team. ba's write user story in same format of example

as : anonymous customer (acust) want : filter search results colour : can see products in colours like

if ba's write user story in more generalized format, developers break user stories multiple stories. , our manual testers write test cases in given-when-then form given automation tester (us) automate.

we automation testers sbi's having single test case associated it.

now using specflow-selenium automate our test cases using pageobject pattern. , using mtm associate test scripts test cases , run them mtm.

what should our approach above scenario, how should create our scenario , feature files in specflow?

any information great.

you should start happy scenario like: (you can used "scenario outline" instead of "regular scenario")

feature: filter results page of "anonymous customer"          in order anonymous customers find looked          anonymous customer want able filter search results     background: given anonymous customer , @ search results page  scenario: customer filter results color given page contains following items:          | product name | color |           | name1        | blue  |          | etc....      | etc.. | when filter results <color x> (for example "blue") should see following items: <verify existence following items>           | product name       |          | name1              |          | other blue items...| 

then can start check behavior of "bad scenario" if important (it depends on running time, money , etc.. ), example:

scenario: customer change filter color scenario: customer remove filters scenario: etc... 

any way, description seems testers didn't break story acceptance criteria


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