google maps - How to get address from latitude and longitude in Android? -
i building android application using touchablewrapper
class getting latitude & longitude.when user removes finger, camera center position latitude , longitude parsed , shown in toast. need address @ latitude , longitude
. here code using latitude , longitude
public class mainactivity extends fragmentactivity implements touchactiondown, touchactionup { cameraposition mdowncameraposition; cameraposition mupcameraposition; imageview submitbtn,mappoint; string addressfixed,completed; edittext whitebord; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_maintut); // data views mappoint = (imageview) findviewbyid(; whitebord = (edittext) findviewbyid(; mappoint.setimageresource(r.drawable.point); submitbtn.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view v) { // todo auto-generated method stub onbackpressed(); } }); getmap().getmap().setmylocationenabled(true); getmap().getmap().setonmaploadedcallback( new googlemap.onmaploadedcallback() { @override public void onmaploaded() { location mylocation = getmap().getmap().getmylocation(); latlng mylatlng = new latlng(mylocation.getlatitude(), mylocation.getlongitude()); cameraposition myposition = new cameraposition.builder() .target(mylatlng).zoom(17).bearing(90).tilt(30) .build(); getmap().getmap().animatecamera( cameraupdatefactory .newcameraposition(myposition)); } }); } @override protected void onresume() { super.onresume(); // check google play services int isavailable = googleplayservicesutil .isgoogleplayservicesavailable(this); if (isavailable != connectionresult.success) { googleplayservicesutil.geterrordialog(isavailable, this, 1).show(); } } @override public void ontouchdown(motionevent event) { mdowncameraposition = getmap().getmap().getcameraposition(); } @override public void ontouchup(motionevent event) { mupcameraposition = getmap().getmap().getcameraposition(); getmap().getmap().clear();// remove previous marker markeroptions options = new markeroptions() .title("this selected place host game") .position( new latlng(,; new getaddresstask(getapplicationcontext()).execute(); } private supportmapfragment getmap() { return ((supportmapfragment) getsupportfragmentmanager() .findfragmentbyid(; } public class getaddresstask extends asynctask<android.location.location, void, string> { public getaddresstask (context context) { super(); mcontext = context; } @override protected string doinbackground (android.location.location... params) { geocoder geocoder = new geocoder(mcontext, locale.getdefault()); android.location.location location = params[0]; location markerlocation = getmap().getmap().getmylocation(); list<address> addresses = null; try { if (mbymap && markerlocation != null) { addresses = geocoder.getfromlocation(markerlocation.getlatitude(), markerlocation.getlongitude(), 1); } else if (!mbymap && location != null) { addresses = geocoder.getfromlocation(,, 1); } } catch (ioexception exception) { log.e("complaintlocation", "io exception in getfromlocation()", exception); // runnable() { // // @override // public void run() { // toast.maketext(mcontext, // mcontext.getstring("updating location failed"), // toast.length_short).show(); // } // }); return ("io exception trying address"); } catch (illegalargumentexception exception) { string errorstring = "illegal arguments " + double.tostring(location.getlatitude()) + " , " + double.tostring(location.getlongitude()) + " passed address service"; log.e("locationsampleactivity", errorstring, exception); return errorstring; } if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0) { address address = addresses.get(0); if (address.getmaxaddresslineindex() > 0) { return string.format( "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", address.getlatitude(), // 0 address.getlongitude(), // 1 address.getthoroughfare(), // 2 address.getsubthoroughfare(), //3 address.getpostalcode(), // 4 address.getlocality()); // 5 } else { return string.format( "%s/%s/%s/%s", address.getlatitude(), // 0 address.getlongitude(), // 1 address.getpostalcode(), // 2 address.getlocality()); // 3 } } else return "no address found"; } // format address string after lookup @override protected void onpostexecute (string address) { string[] addressfields = textutils.split(address, "/"); log.d("address array", arrays.tostring(addressfields)); // log.d("location", "using " + mprovider); // workaround: doinbackground can return strings instead of, example, // address instance or string[] directly. able use textutils.isempty() // on fields returned method, set each string reads "null" // null reference (int fieldcnt = 0; fieldcnt < addressfields.length; ++fieldcnt) { if (addressfields[fieldcnt].equals("null")) addressfields[fieldcnt] = null; } string mstreet,mhousenumber,mlatitude,mlongtitude,mpostalcode,mcity; switch (addressfields.length) { case 4: mstreet = null; mhousenumber = null; mlatitude = addressfields[0]; mlongtitude = addressfields[1]; mpostalcode = addressfields[2]; mcity = addressfields[3]; break; case 6: mlatitude = addressfields[0]; mlongtitude = addressfields[1]; mstreet = addressfields[2]; mhousenumber = addressfields[3]; mpostalcode = addressfields[4]; mcity = addressfields[5]; break; default: mlatitude = null; mlongtitude = null; mstreet = null; mhousenumber = null; mpostalcode = null; mcity = null; break; } toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), mstreet, toast.length_long).show(); } } private boolean mbymap; // lookup address via reverse geolocation public void lookupaddress (boolean bymap) { mbymap = bymap; if (geocoder.ispresent()) { // (new getaddresstask(mcontext)).execute(mcurrentbestlocation); } } private supportmapfragment getmap() { return ((supportmapfragment) getsupportfragmentmanager() .findfragmentbyid(; } }
any appreciated.
you can address geocoder object note receive list of suggested addresses. here in example take first one
geocoder geocoder; list<address> youraddresses; geocoder = new geocoder(this, locale.getdefault()); youraddresses= geocoder.getfromlocation(yourlatitude, yourlongitude, 1); if (youraddress.size() > 0) { string youraddress = youraddresses.get(0).getaddressline(0); string yourcity = youraddresses.get(0).getaddressline(1); string yourcountry = youraddresses.get(0).getaddressline(2); }
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