c - Texture mapping a circle -

first off, used following resource generate circles.


now trying apply texture circle using following, cant seem math right.

void drawcircle(float cx, float cy, float cz,   float r, int points,   float red, float green, float blue)  {     float theta;    theta = 2 * pi / (float)points;      float c = cosf(theta);//precalculate sine , cosine   float s = sinf(theta);   float t;   int i;    float x = r; //we start @ angle = 0    float y = 0;    float tx = c * 0.5 + 0.5;   float ty = s * 0.5 + 0.5;    glpushmatrix();   gltranslatef(cx, cy, cz);    glenable(gl_texture_2d);   glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d, newbelgtex);    glbegin(gl_polygon);    // glcolor3f(red/255.0, green/255.0, blue/255.0);   for(i = 0; < points; i++)    {       gltexcoord2f(tx, ty);     glvertex2f(x, y);//output vertex       //apply rotation matrix     t = x;     x = c * x - s * y;     y = s * t + c * y;     // not sure how update tx , ty   }   glvertex2f(-r, 0);     glend();   glpopmatrix();  } 

i have tried few different things have seemed fail in terms of updating tx , ty properly.

istead of calculate tx , ty c , s, calculate them x , y. this:

float tx = (x/r + 1)*0.5; float ty = (y/r + 1)*0.5; 

and in inner loop right before calling gltexcoord.

on side note, gl_triangle_fan makes more sense geometry. ease topology i'd start center vertex @ position 0,0,0. gets rid of last vertex after loop i.e.

  glbegin(gl_triangle_fan);    gltexcoord2f(0,0);   glvertex2f(0,0);   for(i = 0; < points; i++)    {      float const tx = (x/r + 1)*0.5;     float const ty = (y/r + 1)*0.5;      gltexcoord2f(tx, ty);     glvertex2f(x, y);      //apply rotation matrix     t = x;     x = c * x - s * y;     y = s * t + c * y;   }   glend(); 

note glbegin…glend immediate mode deprecated , should consider building vbo , uploading instead.


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