java - Hibernate Exceptions: ClassCastException and QueryException -
i'm kind of new spring mvc bare me. want customer can profilepage. anchor needs click followed:
<a href="${pagecontext.request.contextpath}/customer/profile/${}"></a>
and have following method in controller:
@requestmapping(value = "/profile/{username}", method = requestmethod.get) public modelandview editprofileidpage(@pathvariable("username") string username) { modelandview customereditview = new modelandview("/customer/customerhome"); customereditview.addobject("customer", customerservice.getcustomerbyusername(username)); customereditview.addobject("title", "welkom"); return customereditview; }
and next have user model , customer model. left out constructors , of getters , setters minimize code.
user model
@entity @table(name = "user", catalog = "...") public class user implements { private string username; private boolean enabled; private string password; private set<storeproperties> storepropertieses = new hashset<storeproperties>( 0); private set<userrole> userroles = new hashset<userrole>(0); private set<customerproperties> customerpropertieses = new hashset<customerproperties>( 0); @id @column(name = "username", unique = true, nullable = false, length = 45) public string getusername() { return this.username; } @onetomany(fetch = fetchtype.lazy, mappedby = "user") public set<customerproperties> getcustomerpropertieses() { return this.customerpropertieses; } }
customer model:
@entity @table(name = "customerproperties", catalog = "...") public class customerproperties implements { private int customerid; private user user; private string address; private string city; private string phonenumber; private string zipcode; private string email; @id @generatedvalue(strategy = auto) @column(name = "customerid", unique = true, nullable = false) public int getcustomerid() { return customerid; } @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy) @joincolumn(name = "user_username", nullable = false) public user getuser() { return this.user; } }
and method use in dao obtain customerproperties follows:
public customerproperties getcustomerbyusername(string username) { customerproperties customer = (customerproperties) getcurrentsession() .createquery("from customerproperties c inner join c.user u u.username = :user") .setparameter("user", username) .uniqueresult(); return customer; }
when click on link following exception:
"http status 500 - request processing failed; nested exception org.hibernate.queryexception: not resolve property: user of: com.is202_1.users.model.customerproperties [from com.is202_1.users.model.customerproperties c inner join c.user u u.username = :user]"
and when change c.user c.user following exception:
"http status 500 - request processing failed; nested exception java.lang.classcastexception: [ljava.lang.object; cannot cast com.is202_1.users.model.customerproperties"
can please me?
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