How do I keep the javascript of my Phonegap application running minimized on android? -

developed application using android phonegap build , happens: when minimized, app paused ( freezes apparently javascript ). solve problem , tested backgroundmode plugin, still same thing. in app there event begins when animation reaches specific frame, not occur when application minimized. well, biggest problem .

part of following code :

document.addeventlistener("deviceready", function ()     {         window["myphonegap"] = true;          // create new runtime using c2canvas         cr_createruntime("c2canvas");          document.addeventlistener("pause", function() {             cr_setsuspended(false);             cordova.plugins.backgroundmode.enable();         }, true);          document.addeventlistener("resume", function() {             cr_setsuspended(false);             cordova.plugins.backgroundmode.disable();         }, true);          document.addeventlistener("backbutton", function() {             cr_setsuspended(false);         }, true);     }, true); 
