opengl - Getting wide range of type errors in C++ -

this question has answer here:

here important part of program getting wide range of type errors. trying make array of objects use struct hold data.

any help?

static object objectarray[number_of_objects];  class object { public:     float x;     float y;     float z;     int id; };   void createobjects(){     (int = 0; < number_of_objects; i++){         object obj;         obj.x = rand() % 13 - 6;         obj.y = 0;         obj.z = rand() % 13 - 6; = i;         objectarray[i] = obj;     } }  void randomizeobjects(){     (int = 0; < number_of_objects; i++){         objectarray[i].x += rand() % 3 - 1;         objectarray[i].z += rand() % 3 - 1;          if (objectarray[i].x > 6)             objectarray[i].x--;         if (objectarray[i].x < -6)             objectarray[i].x++;         if (objectarray[i].z > 6)             objectarray[i].z--;         if (objectarray[i].z < -6)             objectarray[i].z++;     } }  void drawobjects(){     (int = 0; < number_of_objects; i++){         objectarray[i].x += rand() % 3 - 1;         objectarray[i].z += rand() % 3 - 1;          glpushmatrix();         gltranslatef(objectarray[i].x, objectarray[i].y, objectarray[i].z);         glutsolidsphere(0.5, 10, 10);         glpopmatrix();     } } 

here error:

error   2   error c4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. note: c++ not support default-int   c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 32  1   cs459-hw4 error   29  error c2660: 'gltranslatef' : function not take 1 arguments    c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 77  1   cs459-hw4 error   10  error c2228: left of '.z' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 49  1   cs459-hw4 error   15  error c2228: left of '.z' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 58  1   cs459-hw4 error   20  error c2228: left of '.z' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 64  1   cs459-hw4 error   21  error c2228: left of '.z' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 65  1   cs459-hw4 error   22  error c2228: left of '.z' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 66  1   cs459-hw4 error   23  error c2228: left of '.z' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 67  1   cs459-hw4 error   25  error c2228: left of '.z' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 74  1   cs459-hw4 error   28  error c2228: left of '.z' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 77  1   cs459-hw4 error   8   error c2228: left of '.y' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 48  1   cs459-hw4 error   27  error c2228: left of '.y' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 77  1   cs459-hw4 error   6   error c2228: left of '.x' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 47  1   cs459-hw4 error   14  error c2228: left of '.x' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 57  1   cs459-hw4 error   16  error c2228: left of '.x' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 60  1   cs459-hw4 error   17  error c2228: left of '.x' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 61  1   cs459-hw4 error   18  error c2228: left of '.x' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 62  1   cs459-hw4 error   19  error c2228: left of '.x' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 63  1   cs459-hw4 error   24  error c2228: left of '.x' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 73  1   cs459-hw4 error   26  error c2228: left of '.x' must have class/struct/union  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 77  1   cs459-hw4 error   12  error c2228: left of '.id' must have class/struct/union c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 50  1   cs459-hw4 error   1   error c2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'objectarray' c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 32  1   cs459-hw4 error   3   error c2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'obj' c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 46  1   cs459-hw4 error   4   error c2065: 'obj' : undeclared identifier  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 46  1   cs459-hw4 error   5   error c2065: 'obj' : undeclared identifier  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 47  1   cs459-hw4 error   7   error c2065: 'obj' : undeclared identifier  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 48  1   cs459-hw4 error   9   error c2065: 'obj' : undeclared identifier  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 49  1   cs459-hw4 error   11  error c2065: 'obj' : undeclared identifier  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 50  1   cs459-hw4 error   13  error c2065: 'obj' : undeclared identifier  c:\users\amir-acer\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\cs459-hw4\cs459-hw4\source.cpp 51  1   cs459-hw4 

here complete source code:

#include <gl/glut.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  #define number_of_objects 10 #define pi 3.14159265 static int step = 0;  static float alpha = 0.0; static float beta = pi / 6.0;  static gldouble cpos[3]; static glfloat lpos[] = { -3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 1.0 }; static glfloat black[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; static glfloat white[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; static glfloat gray[] = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 }; static glfloat red[] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; static glfloat green[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; static glfloat blue[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; static glfloat yellow[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; static glfloat magenta[] = { 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; static glfloat cyan[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; static glfloat darkcyan[] = { 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0 }; static glfloat gold[] = { 255.0 / 255.0, 215.0 / 255.0, 0 / 255.0 }; static glfloat silver[] = { 204.0 / 255.0, 204.0 / 255.0, 204.0 / 255.0 }; static bool trianglesexist = false; static float stepbefore = step; static float zoom = 10.0; static bool lightsource = true;  static object objectarray[number_of_objects];  class object { public:     float x;     float y;     float z;     int id; };   void createobjects(){     (int = 0; < number_of_objects; i++){         object obj;         obj.x = rand() % 13 - 6;         obj.y = 0;         obj.z = rand() % 13 - 6; = i;         objectarray[i] = obj;     } }  void randomizeobjects(){     (int = 0; < number_of_objects; i++){         objectarray[i].x += rand() % 3 - 1;         objectarray[i].z += rand() % 3 - 1;          if (objectarray[i].x > 6)             objectarray[i].x--;         if (objectarray[i].x < -6)             objectarray[i].x++;         if (objectarray[i].z > 6)             objectarray[i].z--;         if (objectarray[i].z < -6)             objectarray[i].z++;     } }  void drawobjects(){     (int = 0; < number_of_objects; i++){         objectarray[i].x += rand() % 3 - 1;         objectarray[i].z += rand() % 3 - 1;          glpushmatrix();         gltranslatef(objectarray[i].x, objectarray[i].y, objectarray[i].z);         glutsolidsphere(0.5, 10, 10);         glpopmatrix();     } }   void writemessage() {  }  void init(void) {     writemessage();     glclearcolor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);     glenable(gl_depth_test);     glshademodel(gl_smooth);     glpolygonmode(gl_front_and_back, gl_fill);     glenable(gl_lighting);     gllightmodeli(gl_light_model_two_side, gl_true);     glenable(gl_light0); }    void reshape(int w, int h) {     glviewport(0, 0, (glsizei)w, (glsizei)h);     glmatrixmode(gl_projection);     glloadidentity();     gluperspective(75.0, (glfloat)w / (glfloat)h, 1.0, 25.0);     glmatrixmode(gl_modelview); }   void display(void) {     static int i;     static double angle1, angle2, angle3, angle4, y1, z1, y2, z2, x3, y3, x4, y4;     static double angle5, angle6, angle7, angle8, x5, y5, x6, y6, x7, y7, x8, y8;     glclear(gl_color_buffer_bit | gl_depth_buffer_bit);     glloadidentity();     cpos[0] = zoom * cos(beta) * sin(alpha);     cpos[1] = zoom * sin(beta);     cpos[2] = zoom * cos(beta) * cos(alpha);     glulookat(cpos[0], cpos[1], cpos[2], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);     if (lightsource == true){         gllightfv(gl_light0, gl_position, lpos);         glmaterialfv(gl_front, gl_emission, white);         glmaterialf(gl_front_and_back, gl_shininess, 128);         glpushmatrix();         gltranslatef(lpos[0], lpos[1], lpos[2]);         glutsolidsphere(0.1, 10, 8);         glpopmatrix();     }      glmaterialfv(gl_front, gl_emission, black);       glmaterialfv(gl_front, gl_ambient_and_diffuse, blue);     glmaterialfv(gl_back, gl_ambient_and_diffuse, blue);     glnormal3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);     glbegin(gl_polygon);     glvertex3f(7.0, -0.001, -7.0);     glvertex3f(-7.0, -0.001, -7.0);     glvertex3f(-7.0, -0.001, 7.0);     glvertex3f(7.0, -0.001, 7.0);     glend();       glmaterialfv(gl_front, gl_ambient_and_diffuse, green);     glmaterialfv(gl_back, gl_ambient_and_diffuse, green);     glmaterialfv(gl_back, gl_specular, green);      drawobjects();      glflush();     glutswapbuffers();  }   void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y) {     static int polygonmode[2];      switch (key) {     case 27:         exit(0);         break;     case 'w':         glgetintegerv(gl_polygon_mode, polygonmode);         if (polygonmode[0] == gl_fill)             glpolygonmode(gl_front_and_back, gl_line);         else glpolygonmode(gl_front_and_back, gl_fill);         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case 'x':         if (lightsource == true)             lpos[0] = lpos[0] + 0.2;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case 'x':         if (lightsource == true)             lpos[0] = lpos[0] - 0.2;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case 'y':         if (lightsource == true)             lpos[1] = lpos[1] + 0.2;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case 'y':         if (lightsource == true)             lpos[1] = lpos[1] - 0.2;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case 'z':         if (lightsource == true)             lpos[2] = lpos[2] + 0.2;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case 'z':         if (lightsource == true)             lpos[2] = lpos[2] - 0.2;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case '+':         if (zoom != 1.5)zoom = zoom - 0.5;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case '-':         if (zoom != 15)zoom = zoom + 0.5;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case '0':         if (lightsource == true){             gldisable(gl_light0);             lightsource = false;         }         else{             glenable(gl_light0);              lightsource = true;         }         glutpostredisplay();         break;     default:         break;     } } void specialkey(glint key, int x, int y) {     switch (key) {     case glut_key_right:         alpha = alpha + pi / 180;         if (alpha > 2 * pi) alpha = alpha - 2 * pi;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case glut_key_left:         alpha = alpha - pi / 180;         if (alpha < 0) alpha = alpha + 2 * pi;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case glut_key_up:         if (beta < 0.45*pi) beta = beta + pi / 180;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     case glut_key_down:         if (beta > -0.05*pi) beta = beta - pi / 180;         glutpostredisplay();         break;     default:         break;     } }  int main(int argc, char** argv) {     glutinit(&argc, argv);     glutinitdisplaymode(glut_double | glut_rgb | glut_depth);     gllightmodeli(gl_light_model_local_viewer, gl_true);     glutinitwindowsize(800, 800);     glutinitwindowposition(100, 100);     glutcreatewindow(argv[0]);     init();     glutdisplayfunc(display);     glutreshapefunc(reshape);     glutkeyboardfunc(keyboard);     glutspecialfunc(specialkey);     glutmainloop();     return 0; } 

c++'s compiler performs single-pass (unlike c#s , java's multiple passes), means compiler must aware of type before it's used.


foo bar[n]; class foo { }; 

...doesn't work, compiler sees array definition bar[n] doesn't know foo is.

you have 2 options:

  1. forward-declare foo without defining it, compiler knows foo exists (and knows can find definition later) - note difference between "definition" , "declaration"

    class foo; // forward-declaration foo bar[n]; // usage class foo { }; // definition 
  2. move declarations around type foo defined before use it:

    class foo {}; // definition foo bar[n]; // usage 

also, general c++ tips:

i recommend giving types (classes, structs, unions, typedefs, etc) names in titlecase, fields, locals, parameters , globals should (in opinion) given camelcase make obvious if code involves instance or static members , avoid ambiguities.

static object objectarray[number_of_objects]; 


static object objectarray[ number_of_objects ]; 

(also, avoid using name object many libraries use name. consider entity or prefix short identifier project, or move within namespace.)

the expression object obj; in code create instance of object in stack , perform copy when moves array. unnecessary. if change code run faster no copying involved:

 (int = 0; < number_of_objects; i++){      objectarray[i].x = rand() % 13 - 6;     objectarray[i].y = 0;     objectarray[i].z = rand() % 13 - 6;     objectarray[i].id = i; } 

as microptimization, consider caching offset pointer:

object* arrayitem = objectarray[i]; arrayitem->x = rand() % 13 - 6; arrayitem->y = 0; arrayitem->z = rand() % 13 - 6; 

...but splitting hairs , it's possible optimizing compiler you.


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