boost - BGL requires a model that it does not provide itself? -

i'd use parallel mst algorithm dense_boruvka_minimum_spanning_tree boost.

one required parameter interface of algorithm graph "must model of vertex list graph , distributed edge list graph". found the model of boost incorporates distributed edge list graph concept distributed adjacency list. in section "graph concepts" of model explicitly said

"[...] distributed adjacency list does not model vertex list graph or edge list graph concepts [...]

(emphasized me)

at point confused. i'm supposed pass data structure interface of boost algorithm not provided framework? did misunderstand something?

nb: i'm pretty new in boost world.

boost graph provides generic algorithms around concepts, , has historically included few models of graph concepts. people have graphs in existing datastructure can adapt.

in light

at point confused. i'm supposed pass data structure interface of boost algorithm not provided framework?

is not strange.

the concept of distributedadjacencylist provides distributedvertexlistgraph when need vertexlistgraph.

the key difference highlighted under dvlg:

a distributed vertex list graph graph vertices distributed across multiple processes or address spaces. vertices , num_vertices functions retain same signatures in vertex list graph concept, return local set (and size of local set) of vertices.

in other words: dvlg vlg already, distributed.

what want "undistribute" dvlg using vertexlistadaptor:

the vertex list graph adaptor adapts model of distributed vertex list graph in vertex list graph. in former type of graph, set of vertices distributed across process group, no process has access vertices. in latter type of graph, however, every process has access every vertex in graph. this required distributed algorithms, such implementations of minimum spanning tree algorithms.


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