vba - Populating Word Tables from Access -
i trying create tables in ms word , fill them data ms access. of code have written below in basmain , basutilities. having trouble private sub fillcells in basmain. used sub fill tables text fields, table needs allow other formats. data listed in basutilites text except tblemployees.[notes] , tblemployees.[photo]. notes memo , on limit of characters text , photo bmp picture. also, tables should not have form fields. appreciated. thank you!!
here link source files: https://jumpshare.com/b/sy6mxurdtdpssdcqkluj
option explicit public const cstrpath string = "\source\243src_final.accdb" public connemp adodb.connection public rstemps adodb.recordset sub listemps() dim strask string strask = inputbox("which country?", "county request") if strask = "uk" call basutilities.connect("uk") elseif strask = "usa" call basutilities.connect("usa") else msgbox "this name not recognized!" end if end sub public sub createtables() dim sngrecords single, intfields integer, inti integer sngrecords = rstemps.recordcount intfields = rstemps.fields.count rstemps.movefirst inti = 1 sngrecords dim intf integer selection.typeparagraph activedocument.tables.add range:=selection.range, numrows:=intfields, numcolumns:= _ 2, defaulttablebehavior:=wdword9tablebehavior, autofitbehavior:=wdautofitcontent selection.tables(1) .columns.preferredwidth = inchestopoints(6) if .style <> "table grid" .style = "table grid" end if .applystyleheadingrows = true .applystylelastrow = true .applystylefirstcolumn = true .applystylelastcolumn = true end call fillcells(intfields) selection.endkey unit:=wdstory selection.typeparagraph rstemps.movenext next inti rstemps.close connemp.close set rstemps = nothing set connemp = nothing activewindow.activepane.view.showall = true end sub private sub fillcells(intfields integer) dim intf integer intf = 0 intfields - 1 dim strfieldname string strfieldname = right(rstemps.fields(intf).name, _ len(rstemps.fields(intf).name)) selection.typetext text:=strfieldname selection.paragraphformat.alignment = wdalignparagraphright selection.moveright unit:=wdcell selection.fields.add range:=selection.range, _ type:=wdfieldformtextinput selection.previousfield.select selection.formfields(1) .name = "txt" & strfieldname .enabled = true .ownhelp = false .ownstatus = false .textinput .edittype type:=wdregulartext, _ default:=rstemps.fields(intf).value, format:="" .width = 0 end end selection.moveleft unit:=wdcell if intf <> (intfields - 1) selection.movedown unit:=wdline, count:=1 end if next intf end sub
option explicit public sub connect(strvar string) dim stremps string, strpath string stremps = "select tblemployees.[firstname], tblemployees.[lastname], tblemployees.[notes], tblemployees.[photo] " stremps = stremps & "from tblemployees " stremps = stremps & "where tblemployees.[country]= '" & strvar & "' order tblemployees.[lastname]" strpath = thisdocument.path & cstrpath set connemp = new adodb.connection set rstemps = new adodb.recordset connemp.open "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source='" & strpath & "'" rstemps.open stremps, connemp, adopenkeyset, adlockoptimistic call createtables end sub
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