ssl - Get complete certificate chain including the root certificate -
how complete certificate chain server? though claim one should able that openssl s_client -showcerts
, turns not case.
echo | openssl s_client -capath /etc/ssl/certs -connect \ -showcerts | grep -b2 begin depth=3 c = se, o = addtrust ab, ou = addtrust external ttp network, cn = addtrust external ca root verify return:1 depth=2 c = gb, st = greater manchester, l = salford, o = comodo ca limited, cn = comodo rsa certification authority verify return:1 depth=1 c = gb, st = greater manchester, l = salford, o = comodo ca limited, cn = comodo rsa domain validation secure server ca verify return:1 depth=0 ou = domain control validated, ou = positivessl, cn = verify return:1 0 s:/ou=domain control validated/ou=positivessl/ i:/c=gb/st=greater manchester/l=salford/o=comodo ca limited/cn=comodo rsa domain validation secure server ca -----begin certificate----- -- 1 s:/c=gb/st=greater manchester/l=salford/o=comodo ca limited/cn=comodo rsa domain validation secure server ca i:/c=gb/st=greater manchester/l=salford/o=comodo ca limited/cn=comodo rsa certification authority -----begin certificate----- -- 2 s:/c=gb/st=greater manchester/l=salford/o=comodo ca limited/cn=comodo rsa certification authority i:/c=se/o=addtrust ab/ou=addtrust external ttp network/cn=addtrust external ca root -----begin certificate----- done
here have 3 certificates our of four. except of addtrust external ca root
certificate. (possibly because not included certificate bundle. , not required. , yes, can find missing 1 @ /etc/ssl/certs
how certificates server in automatic fashion?
you chain including builtin trusted root certificate inside verify_callback (see ssl_ctx_set_verify. small perl program can dump chain this:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use io::socket::ssl; io::socket::ssl->new( peerhost => '', ssl_verify_callback => sub { $cert = $_[4]; $subject = net::ssleay::x509_name_oneline(net::ssleay::x509_get_subject_name($cert)); $issuer = net::ssleay::x509_name_oneline(net::ssleay::x509_get_issuer_name($cert)); print "# $subject (issuer=$issuer)\n"; print net::ssleay::pem_get_string_x509($cert),"\n"; return 1; } ) or die $ssl_error||$!;
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