sql server - How to Refresh. Datagridview after adding data.im using sql database -
below code project. hope can me. in advance. :)
this sqlcontrol code
imports system.data imports system.data.sqlclient public class sqlcontrol public sqlcon new sqlconnection {.connectionstring = "server=xxx\sqlexpress;database=sqltest;user=sa;pwd=xxxx;"} public sqlcmd sqlcommand 'allow fire query @ data base public sqlda sqldataadapter public sqldataset dataset public dtable new datatable public bs new bindingsource 'query parameters public params new list(of sqlparameter) public recordcount integer public exception string public function hasconnection() boolean try sqlcon.open() sqlcon.close() return true catch ex exception msgbox(ex.message) return false end try end function public sub execquery(byval query string) try sqlcon.open() 'create sql command sqlcmd = new sqlcommand(query, sqlcon) 'load parameter sql command params.foreach(sub(x) sqlcmd.parameters.add(x)) 'clear parameter list params.clear() 'excute command fill dataset sqldataset = new dataset 'excute command wihtout adapter sqlda = new sqldataadapter(sqlcmd) recordcount = sqlda.fill(sqldataset) sqlcon.close() catch ex exception exception = ex.message end try if sqlcon.state = connectionstate.open sqlcon.close() end sub public sub runquery(byval query string) try sqlcon.open() sqlcmd = new sqlcommand(query, sqlcon) 'load sql records datagrid sqlda = new sqldataadapter(sqlcmd) sqldataset = new dataset sqlda.fill(sqldataset) sqlcon.close() catch ex exception msgbox(ex.message) if sqlcon.state = connectionstate.open sqlcon.close() end if end try end sub public sub addmember(byval pc string, byval ip string, byval name string, byval email string, byval department string, byval location string, byval model string, byval specs string, byval dt string, byval asset string, byval rent string) try dim strinsert string = "insert members (pc,ip,name,email,department,location,model,specs,date,asset,rent) " & _ "values (" & _ "'" & pc & "'," & _ "'" & ip & "'," & _ "'" & name & "'," & _ "'" & email & "'," & _ "'" & department & "'," & _ "'" & location & "'," & _ "'" & model & "'," & _ "'" & specs & "'," & _ "'" & dt & "'," & _ "'" & asset & "'," & _ "'" & rent & "')" msgbox(strinsert) sqlcon.open() sqlcmd = new sqlcommand(strinsert, sqlcon) sqlcmd.executenonquery() sqlcon.close() catch ex exception msgbox(ex.message) end try end sub end class
and form code:
public class form1 private sql new sqlcontrol private sub form1_load(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles mybase.load 'execute query , populate grid sql.execquery("select * members") loadgrid() 'disable save button cmdsave.enabled = false end sub private sub loadgrid() 'if our data returned , populate grid & build update command if sql.recordcount > 0 dgvdata.datasource = sql.sqldataset.tables(0) dgvdata.rows(0).selected = true sql.sqlda.updatecommand = new sqlclient.sqlcommandbuilder(sql.sqlda).getupdatecommand end if end sub private sub dgvdata_cellvaluechanged(byval sender object, byval e system.windows.forms.datagridviewcelleventargs) handles dgvdata.cellvaluechanged cmdsave.enabled = true end sub private sub dgvdata_rowsremoved(byval sender object, byval e system.windows.forms.datagridviewrowsremovedeventargs) handles dgvdata.rowsremoved cmdsave.enabled = true end sub private sub cmdsave_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles cmdsave.click 'save update data base try sql.sqlda.update(sql.sqldataset) ' do: data validation catch ex exception msgbox("already exists") end try 'refresh grid data loadgrid() 'disable save button cmdsave.enabled = false end sub private sub cmdadd_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles cmdadd.click if trim(txtpc.text) = "" msgbox("please fill out pc name.") exit sub end if if trim(txtip.text) = "" msgbox("please fill out ip address.") exit sub end if 'query user sql.runquery("select * members members.pc = '" & txtpc.text & "'") if sql.sqldataset.tables(0).rows.count > 0 msgbox("the name have enter enter exists") exit sub end if sql.runquery("select * members members.ip = '" & txtip.text & "'") if sql.sqldataset.tables(0).rows.count > 0 msgbox("the ip address have enter exists!") exit sub end if sql.runquery("select * members members.asset = '" & txtasset.text & "'") if sql.sqldataset.tables(0).rows.count > 0 msgbox("the asset have enter exists") exit sub else createuser() txtpc.clear() txtip.clear() txtname.clear() txtemail.clear() txtdepartment.clear() txtlocation.clear() txtmodel.clear() txtspecs.clear() txtdt.clear() txtasset.clear() txtrent.clear() end if end sub public sub createuser() sql.addmember(txtpc.text, txtip.text, txtname.text, txtemail.text, txtdepartment.text, txtlocation.text, txtmodel.text, txtspecs.text, txtdt.text, txtasset.text, txtrent.text) end sub end class
i don't know how refresh datagridview
this works. copy , paste load form.
public sub refreshusergrid() ' run query sql.execquery("select * members") if sql.sqldataset.tables.count > 0 dgvdata.datasource = sql.sqldataset.tables(0) dgvdata.rows(0).selected = true end if end sub
and copy , paste refreshusergrid() @ add command.
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