powershell - test-path returns permission denied - how to do error handling -

i try error handling within powershell script. fatal. tried few things, e. g. try{ } catch{ } - did not work.

any ideas or solutions?

function check-path($db) {     if ((test-path $db) –eq $false) {         write-output "the file $db not   exist"         break     } } 

it returns:

test-path : zugriff verweigert in k:\access\access.ps1:15 zeichen:6 + if ((test-path $db) -eq $false) { +      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + categoryinfo          : permissiondenied: (k:\ss.mdb:string) [test-path],     unauthorizedaccessexception + fullyqualifiederrorid : itemexistsunauthorizedaccesserror,microsoft.powershell.commands.testpathcommand 

somewhat confusingly test-path generates error in number of cases. set standard erroraction parameter silentlycontinue ignore it.

if ((test-path $db -erroraction silentlycontinue) -eq $false) { 


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