javascript - Splice is removing more that one item from array when specified to only remove once -
i have created mockup shopping basket, quantity add's fine remove isn't working should. have specificed in remove method splice @ location , remove 1 entry array seems remove them all.
to reproduce error just
add 3 x swede add 3 x parsnip
remove 1 x swede
you can see code via online ide here
here full js code - remove funtion @ bottom
var shop = (function() { var items = []; var basketitems = []; var count = 0; return { //constructor create item additem: function(title, description, price) { this.title = title; this.description = description; this.price = price; = count; this.remove = (((1 + math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).tostring(16).substring(1); this.quantity = title this.html = '<tr><td>' + this.title + '</td><td>' + this.description + '</td><td>' + this.price + '</td><td><button id="' + + '">add basket</button></td><tr>'; this.inbasket = '<tr id="' + this.remove + '"><td>' + this.title + '</td><td>' + this.price + '</td><td><div id="' + this.quantity + '">1</div>' + '</td><td><button id="' + this.remove + '"> remove </button><tr>'; items.push(this); count++; }, //sends new items constructor createitems: function() { new this.additem('carrott', 'lovely orange vegetable!', parsefloat(0.50).tofixed(2)); new this.additem('potato', 'fresh baking potato.', parsefloat(0.75).tofixed(2)); new this.additem('brocolli', 'green trees!', parsefloat(0.49).tofixed(2)); new this.additem('parsnip', 'sweet tasting.', parsefloat(0.60).tofixed(2)); new this.additem('swede', 'tasty fresh swede.', parsefloat(1.00).tofixed(2)); console.log(items); this.printhtml() }, //add's html table item object printhtml: function() { var table = document.getelementbyid("output") items.foreach(function(item) { table.innerhtml += item.html; }) this.listeneradd() }, //creates listener adding basket listeneradd: function() { items.foreach(function(item) { document.getelementbyid("click", function() { shop.addtobasket(item) }); }); }, //creates listener removing basket listenerremove: function() { basketitems.foreach(function(item) { document.getelementbyid(item.remove).addeventlistener("click", function() { shop.remove(item) }); }); }, //add's item once event listener has been triggered addtobasket: function(item) { basketitems.push(item);; var basket = document.getelementbyid("basketitems"); var quantity = document.getelementbyid(item.quantity); var howmany = this.checkquantity(item); if(howmany <= 1) { basket.innerhtml += item.inbasket; this.listenerremove(); } else { quantity.innerhtml = howmany; } }, //checks basket see if there checkquantity: function(item) { var searchterm = item.title; var howmany = 0; for(var = 0; basketitems.length > i; i++) { if(basketitems[i].title === searchterm) { howmany++ } } return howmany; }, //calculates running total total: function() { var total = 0 basketitems.foreach(function(items) { var price = items.price; total = total + parsefloat(price); }) var totalhtml = document.getelementbyid("total"); totalhtml.innerhtml = '<b>total = ' + parsefloat(total).tofixed(2) + '</b>'; }, //allows remove items basket remove: function(item) { var = basketitems.indexof(item); var quantity = document.getelementbyid(item.quantity); basketitems.splice(where, 1); var howmany = this.checkquantity(item); if(howmany === 0) { console.log(item.remove) var row = document.getelementbyid(item.remove); row.parentnode.removechild(row); } else { quantity.innerhtml = howmany; } } } })(); function init() { 'use strict'; shop.createitems() }; //on window load call init function window.onload = init;
so in event listener called listenerremove each results in registering same event same click 5 times if quantity 5. solution register event new items first change item table using document.createelemenet
like this:
var tr = document.createelement('tr');
give random id = item.remove;
append text item.inbasket
tr.innerhtml = item.inbasket;
now append table if it's new item
register event
in event register single registration rather foreach
listenerremove: function(item) { document.getelementbyid(item.remove).addeventlistener("click", function() { shop.remove(item) }); },
and rest see in fiddle
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