angularjs - Unit testing angular intercept -

is possible?

i can mock $httpbackend, , intercept called during $httpbackend.flush(); cannot hold of it. intercept function changes state of $rootscope, not help, because both on request , on response -- , state after response.

is there way check state of $rootscope after request? there way check state of config, input parameter?

here code:

// application // angular.module('myapp',[]); // // controller // var myapp = angular.module('myapp'); myapp.controller('fooctrl', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, _$http_) {     var $http = _$http_;     $scope.onsubmit = function() {         var config = {method: 'post', url: '/', data: 'bar', myprop: 'request'};         $http(config).success(function(result) {         }).error(function(data) {             $scope.error = data;         });     }; }]); // // service // var fooservice = angular.module('fooservice', ['ngresource']);  fooservice.factory('foointercept', function ($q, $window, $log, $rootscope) {     return {         request: function (config) {             $rootscope.myprop = config.myprop;             config.headers = config.headers || {};             config.headers.authorization = 'session ' + $window.sessionstorage.sessionid;             return config;         },         response: function(response) {             if($rootscope.myprop) {                 $rootscope.myprop = 'response';             }             return response;         },         responseerror : function(response) {             if($rootscope.myprop) {                 $rootscope.myprop = 'error';             }              var errormessage = response.config.errormessage;             if(errormessage) {                 $window.alert(errormessage);             }              return $q.reject(response);         }     }; });  fooservice.config(function($httpprovider){     $httpprovider.interceptors.push('foointercept'); }); // // test // describe('trying mock httpbackend', function() {     var $controller;     var $httpbackend;     var $rootscope;      beforeeach(module('myapp'));     beforeeach(module('fooservice'));       beforeeach(inject(function ($injector) {         $controller = $injector.get('$controller');         $httpbackend = $injector.get('$httpbackend');         $rootscope = $injector.get('$rootscope');     }));      aftereach(function() {         $httpbackend.verifynooutstandingexpectation();         $httpbackend.verifynooutstandingrequest();     });      it('not simple...', function() {         var ctrl = $controller('fooctrl', {'$scope':$rootscope});         expect($rootscope.onsubmit).tobedefined();         $httpbackend.expectpost('/', 'bar').respond({username: 'fred', serveraddress: 'foo'});         $rootscope.onsubmit();         $httpbackend.flush();         expect($rootscope.myprop).tobe('request');     }); }); 


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