c# - Can't return HTTP status and data from a method after using httpClient.GetAsync() -

i having issues following code. retrieving json object string , wish return method can used elsewhere. when message:

'filmsglossary.searchqueries.returnjson(object); returns void, return keyword must not followed object expression'

public async void returnjson(object term)     {         //set variables         var searchformat = "&format=json";         var termvalue = term;                   var httpclient = new httpclient();           try         {                                  //set web service url format             string baseuri = "http://localhost/filmgloss/webservice/web-service.php?termname=";             string useruri = baseuri + termvalue + searchformat;              //send url web service , retrieve response code.              var response = await httpclient.getasync(useruri);             response.ensuresuccessstatuscode();              var content = await response.content.readasstringasync();             return content.tostring();           }         catch (httprequestexception hre)         {                         }         catch (exception ex)         {          } } 

originally returning

return content; 

however after reading seemed issue might needed change to:

return content.tostring(); 

however did not help. read change synchronous, rather asynchronous method , change method 'public string' learning c# , don't yet understand implications of (or how it).

is possible resolve error within code have?

i understand cause of issue rather know solution.


you should paste error messages getting.

why function declaration return void? should return task<string>.

public async task<string> returnjson(object term) 

also in body should return task, this:

await response.content.readasstringasync(); 
