verilog - The counter counts strangly -
my code describes fsm control traffic light. there 4 states, each different duration.
whenever counter equals 1, counter needs 1 more clock change next value. example, @ state1, counter programmed count 4 1. every value should take 1 clock change next, when does, state changed next state. when counter equals 1, takes 2 clocks change.
my program follows. counter implemented @ bottom of block:
module hw3(times,a,b,clk,rst,ihand,ichang,s1); input clk,rst; output reg [2:0]a,b; wire oclk;//new freq reg [2:0] count1,count2,count3,count4;//count times reg [2:0]times; reg temp;//control switch parameter [2:0]state1=3'd0,state2=3'd1,state3=3'd2,state4=3'd3; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst ) begin if(!rst) begin s1<=state1; a<=3'b0; b<=3'b0; count1<=3'd4; count2<=3'd2; count3<=3'd3; count4<=3'd2; temp<=1'b1; end else begin if(temp==1) begin temp<=1'b0; case(s1) state1: begin times<=count1; a<=3'b001; b<=3'b100; s1<=state2; end state2: begin times<=count2; a<=3'b010; b<=3'b100; s1<=state3; end state3: begin times<=count3; a<=3'b100; b<=3'b001; s1<=state4; end state4: begin times<=count4; a<=3'b100; b<=3'b010; s1<=state1; end default: begin a<=3'b000; b<=3'b000; end endcase end else begin if(times>1) times<=times-1; else if(times==1) begin temp<=1'b1;//can't count averagely end end end end endmodule
modify code @ bottom of clock as: if(times>2) times<=times-1; else if(times==2) begin times=times-1; temp<=1'b1;//can't count averagely end
just let times counts 2 ,because if let count 1, program again enter if
block in next clock doesnt change value of times ,and make value of times=1 unchanged
for 1 more clock
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