c# - Hint algorithm problems in a Bejeweled clone -

i've got slight issue hint algorithm bejeweled clone. right now, following code produces 'hint' @ top left of board every time hit h key (the key showing hint).

public bool aretheremoves(gem[,] gem2) {     hintgems.clear();     return (aretheremovesdown(gem2) && aretheremovesright(gem2)); } public bool aretheremovesright(gem[,] gem2) {     hintgems.clear();     (int x = 0; x < gem2.getlength(0) - 1; x++)     {         (int y = 0; y < gem2.getlength(1); y++)         {             gem[,] gems3 = new gem[gem2.getlength(0), gem2.getlength(1)];             array.copy(gem2, gems3, gem2.length);             swapgemscheck(x, y, x + 1, y, ref gems3);             if (checkmatches(gems3, 2) || aretherespecialgems(gems3))             {                 hintgems.add(gems3[x, y]);                 return true;             }         }     }     return false; } public bool aretheremovesdown(gem[,] gem2) {     hintgems.clear();     (int y = 0; y < gem2.getlength(1) - 1; y++)     {         (int x = 0; x < gem2.getlength(0); x++)         {             gem[,] gems3 = new gem[gem2.getlength(0), gem2.getlength(1)];             array.copy(gem2, gems3, gem2.length);             swapgemscheck(x, y, x, y + 1, ref gems3);             if (checkmatches(gems3, 2) || aretherespecialgems(gems3))             {                 hintgems.add(gems3[x, y]);                 return true;             }         }     }     return false; } 

right now, code bit kinky special gems hints. in, won't show hint on hypercube.

when tried using plain aretheremoves() method in check end of game, didn't function @ all. have testing both down , right methods in end of game check.

my question is: how go changing puts hint on actual move?

if there other information needed, please don't hesitate so.


here's hint popup code:

public void showrandomhint() {     if (hintgems.count == 0) return;     gem g = hintgems[main.rand.next(hintgems.count)];     g.sparkle(main.rand);     addtext(new vector2((getgemposition(g)[1] - 1) * gemsize + (gemsize), (getgemposition(g)[0] - 1) * gemsize + (gemsize)) * new vector2(1.08f, 1.08f), "hint!", 2f, color.aqua, outlinecolor: new color?[1] { color.gold }, amt: .01f); } 

and code calls it(in board.update):

if (checkmoving()) hinttimer++; else hinttimer = 0; if (hinttimer >= hintdelay) {     showrandomhint();     hinttimer = 0; } 


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