java - how to get parameter values of json array in servlet that is sent from ajax -

i want send html table data using ajax servlet can save mysql database, therefore question is, prepared html data array , sent servlet ok, problem while in servlet how can each value save database. code.

   <script src=""></script>    script type="text/javascript">    $(document).ready(function () { //launch code after whole dom loaded     $("form").submit(function (event) { // function process submitted table         var a={};                 var tabledata = []; // store rows' data array                 $("#admintable") // select table id                         .find(".tablerow") // select rows class                         .has(":checked") // select rows checked checkboxes                         .each(function () { // each selected row extract data                                            var tablerow = {};                             var jrow = $(this);                             tablerow.customerid = jrow.find('td.customerid').text();                             tablerow.customertype = jrow.find('td.customertype').text();                             tablerow.customerkwh = jrow.find('td.customerkwh').text();                             tablerow.costomerkwd = jrow.find('input.name1').val();                             tabledata.push(tablerow);                             //alert(tablerow.costomerkwd);                          });                  $.post(                         "generatekwd", /*url of consuming servlet*/                         {tabledata: tabledata}, /*data*/                          function () {                             alert("success!");                         }, /*function execute in case of success*/                         "json" /* data type */                 );                 event.preventdefault(); //prevent sending form browser             }     );   }); 


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