Excel VBA search for a word in a column and copy the row below the word onto a new workbook -
i trying run macro open workbook, search word apples , copy first row below word onto new workbook. in column , word "apples" comes on multiple rows. code takes word apple & row below , moves onto sheet. want move workbook , take row below. reason grabs 2 unwanted lines @ end. been fiddling not sure go here.
sub apples() date1 = range("b3").value chdir "c:\users\name\desktop\" & date1 workbooks.opentext filename:= _ "c:\users\name\desktop\" & date1 & "\file" & left(date1, 4), origin:= _ 437, startrow:=1, datatype:=xldelimited, textqualifier:=xldoublequote, _ consecutivedelimiter:=false, tab:=true, semicolon:=false, comma:=false _ , space:=false, other:=false, fieldinfo:=array(1, 1), _ trailingminusnumbers:=true windows("apples" & left(date1, 4)).activate sheets.add after:=sheets(sheets.count) const fwhat string = "apples" dim r range, fadr string, nr long, cutrng range, ar range, long, deladr string sheets("apples" & left(date1, 4)) set r = .range("a:a").find(fwhat, [a1], xlformulas, xlpart, , , false) if not r nothing fadr = r.address set cutrng = r.offset(0, 0).resize(4, .usedrange.columns.count) set r = .range("a:a").findnext(r) if r nothing exit if r.address = fadr exit set cutrng = union(cutrng, r.offset(0, 0).resize(4, .usedrange.columns.count)) loop end if if not cutrng nothing deladr = cutrng.address nr = 1 each ar in cutrng.areas ar.cut destination:=sheets(.index + 1).range("a" & nr) nr = sheets(.index + 1).range("a" & rows.count).end(xlup).row - 1 next ar .range(deladr).delete shift:=xlup end if end end sub
edit: corrected code 2 rows each time; , copy encountered rather waiting until end.
the following modified version of code. opens workbook has 'data', creates new workbook (no provision managing if existing name found), copies row search term plus next row. indicated needs copy first finds.
option explicit sub apples() dim wbthis workbook dim wbdata workbook dim wbnew workbook dim ws worksheet dim date1 string dim strpath string const fwhat string = "apples" dim rngr range, copyrng range, rnga range dim stradr string dim lnextrow long, long dim bfound boolean dim rngfirst range date1 = range("b3").value strpath = "c:\users\name\desktop\" strpath = "c:\temp\" ' *** delete line chdir strpath & date1 ' open workbook has data set wbdata = workbooks.open(filename:=strpath & date1 & "\file" & left(date1, 4)) ' make sure have desired worksheet name bfound = false each ws in wbdata.worksheets if ws.name = "apples" & left(date1, 4) bfound = true exit end if next ws if bfound = false msgbox "workbook '" & strpath & date1 & "\file" & left(date1, 4) & _ "' not contain expected sheet named '" & "apples" & left(date1, 4) & "'." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _ "please correct , start over.", vbokonly + vbcritical, "missing sheet" wbdata.close goto wrapup end if ' create new workbook set wbnew = workbooks.add application.displayalerts = false wbnew.saveas filename:=strpath & "book123.xlsx" application.displayalerts = true lnextrow = 0 debug.print "--------------------" wbdata.sheets("apples" & left(date1, 4)) set rngr = .range("a:a").find(fwhat, [a1], xlformulas, xlpart, , , false) if not rngr nothing set rngfirst = rngr debug.print "first: " & rngr.address lnextrow = 1 if not rngr nothing stradr = rngr.address set copyrng = rngr.offset(0, 0).resize(2, .usedrange.columns.count) debug.print "copy: " & copyrng.address copyrng.copy destination:=wbnew.sheets("sheet1").range("a" & lnextrow) lnextrow = lnextrow + 2 set rngr = .range("a:a").findnext(rngr) if rngr nothing exit debug.print "next : " & rngr.address if rngr.address = stradr exit set copyrng = rngr.offset(0, 0).resize(2, .usedrange.columns.count) debug.print "copy: " & copyrng.address copyrng.copy destination:=wbnew.sheets("sheet1").range("a" & lnextrow) lnextrow = lnextrow + 2 'debug.print "combo before: " & copyrng.address 'set copyrng = union(copyrng, rngr.offset(0, 0).resize(2, .usedrange.columns.count)) 'set copyrng = union(copyrng, rngr.offset(0, 0).resize(2, .usedrange.columns.count)) 'debug.print "combo after : " & copyrng.address loop end if else msgbox " not found" exit sub end if end wbdata.close wbnew.close wrapup: ' close down... end sub
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