ssl - JavaMail (SMTPS) + Grizzly, handshake failure -
i'm trying test own implementation of smtp server made on top of grizzly framework , struggling handshake problem during checking smtps support of javamail. found similar problem handshake (or not me) don't use client mode grizlly sslengineconfigurator, guess root of problem should different. code grizzly ssl configuration initialization (in integration test) looks following: try (inputstream keystorestream = transportencryptionit.class.getresourceasstream("server_keystore.jks")) { sslcontextconfigurator sslcon = new sslcontextconfigurator(); sslcon.setsecurityprotocol("tlsv1.2"); sslcon.setkeystoretype("jks"); sslcon.setkeystorebytes(ioutils.tobytearray(keystorestream)); sslcon.setkeystorepass(""); sslconf = new sslengineconfigurator(sslcon, false, false, false); } i install sslfilter filterchain (with server ssl config) immidiatly after transportfilter (which first filter in chain). filterchai...