jquery - Form tag closing automatically -

i have issue form tag automatically closed.

i'm trying figure out causing problem. whatever inside of form tag added after. i'm using netsuite thats why items in tables , little harder debug. here link site. t

this (partly) generated on browser

>   <div class="col-xs-8">  >      <div class="oos-button"></div>  >         <form method="get" id="add-to-cart-form" role="form" action="/app/site/backend/additemtocart.nl"></form>    <!-- modal -->   etc...  

but modal code should go inside form , that's how have coded it.

<form method="get" id="add-to-cart-form" role="form" action="/app/site/backend/additemtocart.nl">   <!-- modal -->             <div id="<%=getcurrentattribute('item','itemid')%>" class="modal fade bs-example-modal-lg" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mylargemodallabel" aria-hidden="true" >   <div class="modal-dialog">      <div class="modal-content" style="padding:15px 15px; " >        <h2 class="page-title serif text-center "><@= meal.storedisplayname @></h2>          <div id="product-image" class="img-rounded">            <img src="<@=meal.storedisplaythumbnail  @>" class="img-responsive center" alt="">             <br />           <p><strong> <@= meal.storedisplayname @></strong>:  added cart</p>  <label style="color:#7b9738"> price: $<@= meal.onlineprice @></label>     <hr / >         <hr / >             <div class="text-center">              <button type="button" class="btn btn-info center" data-dismiss="modal">continue shopping</button>            <a  href="<%=getcarturl()%>">              <button type="button" class="btn btn-info center">checkout ></button>            </a>           </div>         </div>     </div>   </div>  </div>               <!-- end modal-->                               <%= getcurrentattribute('item','addtocartitemid')%>                             <input type="text" class="qty form-control" name="qty" placeholder="qty" value="1" />                             <input type="hidden" name="showcart" value="t" />                             <button type="submit" class="btn btn-info btn-block">add cart</button>                       </form>   

some browsers need <form> object open , close within same parent. in case, open form within <tr> , close within adjacent <tr>. if correct form, might fix other problem.

not sure in source files, lines #242-257 of generated output @ url sent.

<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width='100%'> <tr class='portlethandle' id='handle_itemmainportlet' > <td width='100%' height=0 align='left' valign='top'> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width='100%'> <tr> <td width=0 height=0 align='left' valign='top' style='display:none'> <form method='post' name='form0' id='form0' action='/s.nl'> <input type='hidden' name='c' value='3374347'> <input type='hidden' name='n' value='1'> <input type='hidden' name='sc' value='39'> <input type='hidden' name='category' value='13945'> <input type='hidden' name='id' value=''> <input type='hidden' name='it' value='a'> <input type='hidden' name='vid' value='rhcpzybgawocaf5x'> <input type='hidden' name='ck' value='rhcpzybgavkcaeod'> <input type='hidden' name='cktime' value='123014'> <input type='hidden' name='cart' value='-1'>  </td> </tr> <tr> </form> 

should rather be:

<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width='100%'> <tr class='portlethandle' id='handle_itemmainportlet' > <td width='100%' height=0 align='left' valign='top'> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width='100%'> <tr> <td width=0 height=0 align='left' valign='top' style='display:none'> <form method='post' name='form0' id='form0' action='/s.nl'> <input type='hidden' name='c' value='3374347'> <input type='hidden' name='n' value='1'> <input type='hidden' name='sc' value='39'> <input type='hidden' name='category' value='13945'> <input type='hidden' name='id' value=''> <input type='hidden' name='it' value='a'> <input type='hidden' name='vid' value='rhcpzybgawocaf5x'> <input type='hidden' name='ck' value='rhcpzybgavkcaeod'> <input type='hidden' name='cktime' value='123014'> <input type='hidden' name='cart' value='-1'> <!-- move here: --></form> </td> </tr> <tr> 


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