c# 4.0 - OWIN bearer authentication failing in web api 2 -

i trying implement web api 2 based claim based authentication oauth tokens. have created

[assembly: owinstartup(typeof(pmw.api.startup))]     public class startup     {         //private iunitofwork _unitofwork;         //private iuserservice _userservice;         //private icommonservice _commonservice;          public void configuration(iappbuilder app)         {             httpconfiguration config = new httpconfiguration();             webapiconfig.register(config);             app.usecors(microsoft.owin.cors.corsoptions.allowall);             app.usewebapi(config);              iunitycontainer container = getunitycontainer();             config.dependencyresolver = new unitydependancyresolver(container);              //_unitofwork = container.resolve<iunitofwork>();             //_userservice = container.resolve<iuserservice>();             //_commonservice = container.resolve<icommonservice>();              mapautomapper();              configureoauth(app);              //var oauthbeareroptions = new oauthbearerauthenticationoptions()             //{             //    provider = new querystringoauthbearerprovider(),             //    accesstokenprovider = new authenticationtokenprovider()             //    {             //        oncreate = create,             //        onreceive = receive             //    },             //};              //app.useoauthbearerauthentication(oauthbeareroptions);          }          public static action<authenticationtokencreatecontext> create = new action<authenticationtokencreatecontext>(c =>         {             c.settoken(c.serializeticket());         });          public static action<authenticationtokenreceivecontext> receive = new action<authenticationtokenreceivecontext>(c =>         {             c.deserializeticket(c.token);             c.owincontext.environment["properties"] = c.ticket.properties;         });          private void mapautomapper()         {             //mapper code         }           private iunitycontainer getunitycontainer()         {             //create unitycontainer                       iunitycontainer container = //unity mapping               return container;         }          public void configureoauth(iappbuilder app)         {             oauthauthorizationserveroptions oauthserveroptions = new oauthauthorizationserveroptions()             {                 allowinsecurehttp = true,                 tokenendpointpath = new pathstring("/token"),                 accesstokenexpiretimespan = timespan.fromdays(1),                 provider = new simpleauthorizationserverprovider()             };              // token generation             app.useoauthauthorizationserver(oauthserveroptions);             app.useoauthbearerauthentication(new oauthbearerauthenticationoptions());          }       } 

and authorization class defined below

public class simpleauthorizationserverprovider : oauthauthorizationserverprovider     {         public override async task validateclientauthentication(oauthvalidateclientauthenticationcontext context)         {             context.validated();         }          public override async task grantresourceownercredentials(oauthgrantresourceownercredentialscontext context)         {             iunitycontainer container = //unity code mapping login related service                var _commonservice=container.resolve<icommonservice>() ;             var password =// encrypt password                userservice _userservice = new userservice(container.resolve<iunitofwork>(),                 container.resolve<iusermasterrepository>(), container.resolve<iuserdetailrepository>());             var usertopass = new userdto()             {                 emailid = context.username,                 password = password              };              var user = _userservice.authenticateuser(usertopass);               if (!user.succeeded)             {                 context.seterror("invalid_grant", "the user name or password incorrect.");                 return;             }              var identity = new claimsidentity(context.options.authenticationtype);             identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.name, context.username));             identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.role, "user"));              context.validated(identity);            }     } 

the code working , generating tokens client side application. however, if use authrize attribute shown below . fails error 401 unauthorized.

[authorize]         [httpget]         public userdto test()         {             return new userdto();         } 

here snapshot of request , failing method details. enter image description here

please let know missing in order implement flow of authorization properly.

check working sample in article using web api 2. http://www.codeproject.com/articles/742532/using-web-api-individual-user-account-plus-cors-en


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