mql - How to export to a CSV file from an Existent MT4 Indicator code -

i export results csv file. iexposure indicator (iexposure.mq4) mt4. there way know how export values csv

this code tried use export csv.

int h1; h1 = fileopen("data3.csv", file_csv | file_write | file_read, ','); fileseek( extsymbolssummaries[i][deals]=0, extsymbolssummaries[i],   [buy_price]=0,extsymbolssummaries[i][sell_lots]=0 ,extsymbolssummaries[i]   [sell_price]=0,extsymbolssummaries[i][net_lots]=0, extsymbolssummaries[i][profit]=0, seek_end); filewrite(h1, symbols[i]=symbolname, extsymbolssummaries[i][deals]=0, extsymbolssummaries[i] [buy_price]=0,extsymbolssummaries[i][sell_lots]=0 ,extsymbolssummaries[i]   [sell_price]=0,extsymbolssummaries[i][net_lots]=0, extsymbolssummaries[i][profit]=0 ); fileclose(h1) 

this original code :

     //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                                    iexposure.mq4 | //|                      copyright © 2007, metaquotes software corp. | //|                               | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "copyright © 2007, metaquotes software corp." #property link      ""  #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 1 #property indicator_minimum 0.0 #property indicator_maximum 0.1  #define symbols_max 1024 #define deals          0 #define buy_lots       1 #define buy_price      2 #define sell_lots      3 #define sell_price     4 #define net_lots       5 #define profit         6  extern color extcolor=lightseagreen;  string extname="exposure"; string extsymbols[symbols_max]; int    extsymbolstotal=0; double extsymbolssummaries[symbols_max][7]; int    extlines=-1; string extcols[8]={"symbol",                    "deals",                    "buy lots",                    "buy price",                    "sell lots",                    "sell price",                    "net lots",                    "profit"}; int    extshifts[8]={ 10, 80, 130, 180, 260, 310, 390, 460 }; int    extvertshift=14; double extmapbuffer[]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| custom indicator initialization function                         | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void init()   {     indicatorshortname(extname);    setindexbuffer(0,extmapbuffer);    setindexstyle(0,draw_none);    indicatordigits(0);     setindexemptyvalue(0,0.0);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                                                  | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void deinit()   {    int windex=windowfind(extname);    if(windex>0) objectsdeleteall(windex);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| custom indicator iteration function                              | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void start()   {    string name;    int    i,col,line,windex=windowfind(extname); //----    if(windex<0) return; //---- header line    if(extlines<0)      {       for(col=0; col<8; col++)         {          name="head_"+col;          if(objectcreate(name,obj_label,windex,0,0))            {             objectset(name,objprop_xdistance,extshifts[col]);             objectset(name,objprop_ydistance,extvertshift);             objectsettext(name,extcols[col],9,"arial",extcolor);            }         }       extlines=0;      } //----    arrayinitialize(extsymbolssummaries,0.0);    int total=analyze();    if(total>0)      {       line=0;       for(i=0; i<extsymbolstotal; i++)         {          if(extsymbolssummaries[i][deals]<=0) continue;          line++;          //---- add line          if(line>extlines)            {             int y_dist=extvertshift*(line+1)+1;             for(col=0; col<8; col++)               {                name="line_"+line+"_"+col;                if(objectcreate(name,obj_label,windex,0,0))                  {                   objectset(name,objprop_xdistance,extshifts[col]);                   objectset(name,objprop_ydistance,y_dist);                  }               }             extlines++;            }          //---- set line          int    digits=marketinfo(extsymbols[i],mode_digits);          double buy_lots=extsymbolssummaries[i][buy_lots];          double sell_lots=extsymbolssummaries[i][sell_lots];          double buy_price=0.0;          double sell_price=0.0;          if(buy_lots!=0)  buy_price=extsymbolssummaries[i][buy_price]/buy_lots;          if(sell_lots!=0) sell_price=extsymbolssummaries[i][sell_price]/sell_lots;          name="line_"+line+"_0";          objectsettext(name,extsymbols[i],9,"arial",extcolor);          name="line_"+line+"_1";          objectsettext(name,doubletostr(extsymbolssummaries[i][deals],0),9,"arial",extcolor);          name="line_"+line+"_2";          objectsettext(name,doubletostr(buy_lots,2),9,"arial",extcolor);          name="line_"+line+"_3";          objectsettext(name,doubletostr(buy_price,digits),9,"arial",extcolor);          name="line_"+line+"_4";          objectsettext(name,doubletostr(sell_lots,2),9,"arial",extcolor);          name="line_"+line+"_5";          objectsettext(name,doubletostr(sell_price,digits),9,"arial",extcolor);          name="line_"+line+"_6";          objectsettext(name,doubletostr(buy_lots-sell_lots,2),9,"arial",extcolor);          name="line_"+line+"_7";          objectsettext(name,doubletostr(extsymbolssummaries[i][profit],2),9,"arial",extcolor);         }      } //---- remove lines    if(total<extlines)      {       for(line=extlines; line>total; line--)         {          name="line_"+line+"_0                                    ";          objectsettext(name,"");          name="line_"+line+"_1";          objectsettext(name,"");          name="line_"+line+"_2";          objectsettext(name,"");          name="line_"+line+"_3";          objectsettext(name,"");          name="line_"+line+"_4";          objectsettext(name,"");          name="line_"+line+"_5";          objectsettext(name,"");          name="line_"+line+"_6";          objectsettext(name,"","                       ");          name="line_"+line+"_7";          objectsettext(name,"","                           ");         }      } //---- avoid minimum==maximum    extmapbuffer[bars-1]=-1; //----   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                                                  | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int analyze()   {    double profit;    int    i,index,type,total=orderstotal(); //----    for(i=0; i<total; i++)      {       if(!orderselect(i,select_by_pos)) continue;       type=ordertype();       if(type!=op_buy && type!=op_sell) continue;       index=symbolsindex(ordersymbol());       if(index<0 || index>=symbols_max) continue;       //----       extsymbolssummaries[index][deals]++;       profit=orderprofit()+ordercommission()+orderswap();       extsymbolssummaries[index][profit]+=profit;       if(type==op_buy)         {          extsymbolssummaries[index][buy_lots]+=orderlots();          extsymbolssummaries[index][buy_price]+=orderopenprice()*orderlots();         }       else         {          extsymbolssummaries[index][sell_lots]+=orderlots();          extsymbolssummaries[index][sell_price]+=orderopenprice()*orderlots();         }      } //----    total=0;    for(i=0; i<extsymbolstotal; i++)      {       if(extsymbolssummaries[i][deals]>0) total++;      } //----    return(total);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                                                  | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int symbolsindex(string symbolname)   {    bool found=false; //----    for(int i=0; i<extsymbolstotal; i++)      {       if(symbolname==extsymbols[i])         {          found=true;          break;         }      } //----    if(found) return(i);    if(extsymbolstotal>=symbols_max) return(-1); //----    i=extsymbolstotal;    extsymbolstotal++;    extsymbols[i]=symbolname;    extsymbolssummaries[i][deals]=0;    extsymbolssummaries[i][buy_lots]=0;    extsymbolssummaries[i][buy_price]=0;    extsymbolssummaries[i][sell_lots]=0;    extsymbolssummaries[i][sell_price]=0;    extsymbolssummaries[i][net_lots]=0;    extsymbolssummaries[i][profit]=0;     //----    return(i);   }    //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ 

end of code

csv output example:

for example, describing way achieve following:

  1. add input strings folder , csv file names.
  2. create button generating csv.
  3. listen events can detect when button has been clicked.
  4. parse objects list , write name , description objects csv file.

note: if unable complete step 2, skip step 3, , @ code inside onchartevent(), customize when want write csv file. however, aware lot of file writing if writing file every time oncalculate() event occurs.

since iexposure.mq4 comes available default (at least version: 4.0 build 765), let's start creating duplicate of original. named example iexposuretest.

step 1: add input strings our folder , csv file.

this 1 of our easiest steps, add input strings our folder , csv file. added these next other input variable.

//step 1 input string  inputfilename="iexposure.csv";      // file name input string  inputdirectoryname="data";     // folder name 

step 2: create csv button.

include header chartobjectpanel.mqh. chose place include line directly above input variables.

//part of step 2 #include <chartobjects\chartobjectpanel.mqh> 

this gives access creating cchartobjectbutton type, , need access button globally example, add next line of code before oninit().

//part of step 2 cchartobjectbutton csvbutton; 

we have button type of cchartobjectbutton, it's not instantiated yet. let's function call oninit().

inside oninit(), add below:

//part of step 2 createcsvbutton(0); 

now need actual function, @ end of indicator code let's add function next.

//part of step 2 bool createcsvbutton(const long chart_id=0) {       //--- reset error value      resetlasterror();       //--- set property values      if(!csvbutton.create(0,"csvbutton",0,10,25,75,15))      {          //--- display error message in experts journal          print(__function__+", error code = ",getlasterror());          return(false);      }       csvbutton.description("csv");       csvbutton.fontsize(10);      csvbutton.corner(corner_left_lower);      csvbutton.anchor(anchor_center);       csvbutton.state(false);       return true; }  

at point, when compile there should csv button available on window. created can generate csv click. should similar image below.

csv button

if have csv button, finished step 2.

step 3: listen events , capture csv button clicked.

we able capture event need using built in onchartevent().

in our onchartevent(), checking if event chartevent_object_click event, if sparam equals our csvbutton , button state true, our file work.

also, notice call function writecsvobjects doesn't exist yet pass file_handle to. create in step 4.

  //step 3   void onchartevent(const int id,                     const long &lparam,                     const double &dparam,                     const string &sparam)     {       if(id==chartevent_object_click)        {              if (sparam=="csvbutton")             {               if(csvbutton.state() == true)               {                   resetlasterror();                   int file_handle=fileopen(inputdirectoryname+"//"+inputfilename,file_read|file_write|file_csv);                   if(file_handle!=invalid_handle)                  {                     printformat("%s file available writing",inputfilename);                     printformat("file path: %s\\files\\",terminalinfostring(terminal_data_path));                      //call step 4                       writecsvobjects(file_handle);                         //--- close file                     fileclose(file_handle);                      printformat("data written, %s file closed",inputfilename);                   }                  else                  {                     printformat("failed open %s file, error code = %d",inputfilename,getlasterror());                  }                }                chartredraw();            }         }     } 

step 4: parse objects list , write name , description csv.

almost there! final part solve question. add function end of our code example.

  //step 4   void writecsvobjects(int file_hand)   {      int obj_total=objectstotal();      string name;      string desc;       for(int i=obj_total;i>=0;i--)       {         name = objectname(i);         desc = objectdescription(name);          if(name == "")         {          name = "empty name";         }          if(desc == "")         {          desc = "empty desc";         }         filewrite(file_hand, name + "," + desc);           }   } 

in above function, notice looping objects , writing out name , description each object. order of output , objects may not goal is, modify accordingly.

at point, when compile , click csv button, should generate values csv file stored @ files//data//iexposure.csv.


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