Android JSON Parsing from URL -
i'm trying json project in android. code.
for reason data isn't displayed in textbox runs. i'm not sure made wrong.
this url trying grab data:
am trying grab 4 strings , display them textviews
this code:
public class mainactivity extends activity { static string cocoainfo=""; static string clfname = ""; static string cllname = ""; static string cllocation = ""; static string clph1 = ""; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); //to perform background tasks, grabbing info website , write gui new myasynctask().execute(); } public class myasynctask extends asynctask<string, string, string> { @override protected string doinbackground(string... strings) { /*get http client scores streaming uploads & downloads here download restful information cocoalabs url*/ defaulthttpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient(new basichttpparams()); /*use post method grab data url*/ httppost httppost = new httppost(cocoainfo); /*define type of service we're using - json service*/ httppost.setheader("content-type", "application/json"); /*to read data url*/ inputstream inputstream = null; /*to hold data url*/ string result = null; try { /*asking response web service*/ httpresponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost); /*has content url along header , other info*/ httpentity entity = response.getentity(); /*get main content url*/ inputstream = entity.getcontent(); /*read data stream until buffer full. helps grab in bunch*/ bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(inputstream, "utf-8"),8); /*creating stringbuilder store read data*/ stringbuilder thestringbuilder = new stringbuilder(); /*for storing read line*/ string line = null; /*read data buffer until nothing left*/ while((line = reader.readline())!=null) { /*append each line builder object*/ thestringbuilder.append(line + "\n"); } /*after finishing reading data*/ result = thestringbuilder.tostring(); } catch (clientprotocolexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } { try { /*close inputstream*/ if (inputstream!=null) inputstream.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } /*create json object hold bunch of key-value pairs json source*/ jsonobject jsonobject; /*to print information downloaded in logcat debugging*/ log.v("jsonparser result ", result); try { /*get json object data*/ jsonobject = new jsonobject(result); clfname = jsonobject.getstring("fname"); cllname = jsonobject.getstring("lname"); cllocation = jsonobject.getstring("location"); clph1 = jsonobject.getstring("ph1"); log.v("jsonparser result", clfname); log.v("jsonparser result", cllname); log.v("jsonparser result", cllocation); log.v("jsonparser result", clph1); } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return result; } //this method called after background tasks done /*writes information textviews layout*/ @override protected void onpostexecute(string result) { /*find buttons on screen*/ textview fnametv = (textview) findviewbyid(; textview lnametv = (textview) findviewbyid(; textview locationtv = (textview) findviewbyid(; textview ph1tv = (textview) findviewbyid(; /*change value displayed on textviews*/ fnametv.settext("first name is" +clfname); lnametv.settext("last name is" +cllname); locationtv.settext("location is" +cllocation); ph1tv.settext("phone number is" +clph1); } }
try below:
try { jsonarray main = new jsonarray(responsestring); for( i=0;i<main.length();i++){ jsonobject mainobj = main.getjsonobject(i); string uid = mainobj.getstring("uid"); string uname = mainobj.getstring("uname"); } } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }
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