javascript - AngularJS parent directive scope from inner ng-transclude -

i print index of ng-repeat iterator of parent directive. pseudo code:


<div data-repeatable>     {{$index}} not display </div> 


<div ng-repeat="i in gettimes(5) track $index">     {{$index}} displays correctly     <div ng-transclude></div> </div> 


 // other code omitted .directive('repeatable', function() {       return {         scope: {},         transclude: true,         templateurl: 'template.html'       };     }) 

i've explored many different approaches/tweaks, nothing has worked far. appreciated!


okay, may hacky, , rely on internal implementation details angularjs might pulled in version, still... here way found work.

note appears work in angular 1.3 branch.

var app = angular.module('plunker', []);    app.directive('repeatable', function($timeout) {    return {      scope: {},      transclude: true,      templateurl: 'template.html',      link: function(scope, elem, attrs, nullctrl, transclude) {        scope.gettimes = function(n) {          var arr = [];          (var = 1; <= n; i++) arr.push(i);          return arr;        };          // needs done in $applyasync ng-repeat has         // time render items        scope.$applyasync(function() {          // using transclude function hold of transclude scope          transclude(function(clone, scope) {            var ngrepeatscopes = findchildscopesmatching(scope.$parent, isngrptscope);            angular.foreach(ngrepeatscopes, function(ngrepeatscope) {              var transcludedscope = findtranscludedscope(ngrepeatscope);              transcludedscope.$index = ngrepeatscope.$index;            });          });        });          function findchildscopesmatching(parentscope, predicatefn) {          var scopes = [],            currentscope = parentscope.$$childhead;            while (currentscope) {            if (predicatefn(currentscope))              scopes.push(currentscope);            currentscope = currentscope.$$nextsibling;          }          return scopes;        }          function isngrptscope(scope) {          return angular.isdefined(scope.$first)              && angular.isdefined(scope.$last)               && angular.isdefined(scope.$index);        }          function findtranscludedscope(scope) {          var transcludedscopes = findchildscopesmatching(scope, istranscludedscope);          return transcludedscopes[0] || null;        }          function istranscludedscope(scope) {          return scope.$$transcluded;        }      }    };  });
.ng-repeat-scope {    background-color: aliceblue;    color: darkblue;    padding: 5px;    margin: 5px 0;  }  .ng-transcluded-scope {    background-color: lightgoldenrodyellow;    color: goldenrod;    padding: 5px;    margin: 0 20px;  }  .nicer-font {    font-family: "helvetica neue", helvetica, arial, sans-serif;    font-size: 14px;    line-height: 1.42857143;    padding: 0 10px;  }
<script src=""></script>    <div ng-app="plunker" class="nicer-font">    <div class="container">      <p>top level scope id: {{$id}}</p>      <div data-repeatable>        transcluded scope. $index = {{$index}}. scope id: {{$id}}, parent id: {{$parent.$id}}      </div>    </div>      <script type="text/ng-template" id="template.html">      <div ng-repeat="i in gettimes(5) track $index" class="ng-repeat-scope">        template ng-repeat scope. $index = {{$index}}. scope id: {{$id}}        <div ng-transclude class="ng-transcluded-scope"></div>      </div>    </script>  </div>

you can see same demo on plunkr if prefer.


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