windows - Passing parameters (with spaces) to batch file from java program -

in program want execute jar parameters of .bat file.

.bat file

%6 -jar %5 -u %1 -p %2 -dbbkp %3 > %4 

java program pass parameters above .bat file

string jarpath=request.getsession().getservletcontext().getrealpath("")+"/oes-smartclient/oes-smartclient.jar";  string outputfilepath=request.getsession().getservletcontext().getrealpath("")+"/resources/webfiles/oesfiles/dbbackupstatus.txt";   string jrepath="c:\\program files (x86)\\java\\jre7\\bin\\java";   string batfilepath = request.getsession().getservletcontext().getrealpath("")+"/web-inf/classes/oesdbbackup.bat";         string backuplocation = request.getsession().getservletcontext().getrealpath("")+"/web-inf/classes/backuplocation";          batfilepath="\""+batfilepath+"\"";         jarpath="\""+jarpath+"\"";         outputfilepath="\""+outputfilepath+"\"";         backuplocation="\""+backuplocation+"\"";      process = runtime.getruntime().exec(batfilepath +" "+ dbuser.getusername()+" "+ dbuser.getpassword()+" "+backuplocation+" "+outputfilepath+" "+jarpath+" "+jrepath); 

this above code taking database backup.

when running programs not giving error fail take database backup.

when giving backuplocation "c:\sm\"(without space parameter) working properly.

please can suggest me how pass parameters spaces.


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