python - Line graph using the COL parameter -
new using seaborn, , specify simple , pretty(why im using seaborn) line graph.
particularly i'm using seaborn because understanding can supply column name seaborn col= parameter , create graph each unique value in column.
month_name contains month names such jan, feb, mar error:
"could not convert octoberjunejulyaugustseptember numeric"
my code plot graph each of occurances of month_name i.e. jan, feb, etc
where person_name on x axis, , revenue earned y axis. therefore since there thwelve months expect below generate 12 graph grid (6x6).
sns.lmplot("person_name", "revenue", df, col="month_date", palette="set1", fit_reg=false);
the error now: valueerror: first argument must sequence 5 blank graphs in row left right nothing in them. assume first argument refers x varaible --> "person name"? how 1 make column (person_name) sequence?
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