Excel VBA matching data across 2 sheets. need help repeating the code -
my code below pulls first , last names worksheet 1 , pastes them worksheet 2 when "white" (meaning martial arts white belt) listed next name , pastes them below headings @ row "x". need repeat code next belt level being "pro yellow". first , last name headings need pasted @ row 78 , names pasted row 79 down.
sub pastetoadult() dim lr long, lr2 long, r long set sh1 = thisworkbook.worksheets("adult members cut & past") set sh2 = thisworkbook.worksheets("adult sign on sheet") sh1.select sh2.cells(6, 5).value = "last name" sh2.cells(6, 6).value = "first name"** lr = sh1.cells(rows.count, "b").end(xlup).row x = 7 r = 2 lr if range("i" & r).value = "white" sh2.cells(x, 5).value = sh1.cells(r, 2).value sh2.cells(x, 6).value = sh1.cells(r, 3).value x = x + 1 end if next r sh2.select end sub
the following code iterate through each belt color added array , place 5 blank lines between each header group.
option explicit sub pastetoadult() dim lr long, lr2 long, r long, x long dim ibelts integer dim sbeltcolor() string dim sh1 worksheet, sh2 worksheet set sh1 = thisworkbook.worksheets("adult members cut & past") set sh2 = thisworkbook.worksheets("adult sign on sheet") sh1.select lr = sh1.cells(rows.count, "b").end(xlup).row x = 5 'start row 'load belt colors array via splitting comma delimited string sbeltcolor() = split("white,pro yellow", ",") ibelts = 0 ubound(sbeltcolor) 'place belt color header followed 'last name' & 'first name' 'on next row no gap between groups sh2.cells(x, 5).value =sbeltcolor(ibelts) x = x + 1 sh2.cells(x, 5).value = "last name" sh2.cells(x, 6).value = "first name" x = x + 1 r = 2 lr if range("i" & r).value = sbeltcolor(ibelts) sh2.cells(x, 5).value = sh1.cells(r, 2).value sh2.cells(x, 6).value = sh1.cells(r, 3).value x = x + 1 end if next r next ibelts sh2.select end sub
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