git - Why does cloning a repo break my yii2 app? -

i have yii framework app , breaks when clone it.

i've read here that, in yii, main.php file had excluded, supposed ignore yii2? (sorry, i'm still new frameworks...)

when clone app need check , few things. of them depend on template use:

  • run composer install install dependencies
  • if you're using advanced template should run ./init
  • in advanced template running above ./init create main-local configuration file bogus dbcomponent. need manually set password here (or remove if config versioned in main.php).
  • depending on application might need run various db migrations via ./yii migrate. such case if you're using dbmanager of rbac system, or migrations created within app

in regards testing (using codeception) have following:

  • build codeception using : codecept build -c tests/codeception.yml basic template or codecept build -c tests/codeception/<suite>/codeception.yml advanced template, <suite>is suit running (ex: common, console, frontend,etc..)
  • depending on application may need run migrations on test environment tests/codeception/bin/yii migrate

replace yii yii.bat windows

ps: not want ignore main.php/web.php files. wasn't practice in yii1.
