android - Get and Store text from looped checkboxes into a String -

i kinda new in android , java programming, , have question, wish me solve :)

i have program, fetch , loop data database , convert checkboxes, user must check checkboxes , hit submit button,, value(s) of checked checkboxes stored string[], send activity via intent.putextra..

so far, can fetch , loop data database, have no idea how store checked value (of checkboxes) string , sent activity via intent. can guys please me , should put code?

and here code :

private void fetchfromdatabase() {     // todo auto-generated method stub;     int totalgroup = mydb.counthowmanygroups(username);     string groupid[] = mydb.fetchgroupid(username);     string groupname[] = mydb.fetchgroupname(username);     string flag[] = null;     (int = 0; < totalgroup; i++) {          listcheckbox = new checkbox(this);         listcheckbox.settext(groupname[i]);         listcheckbox.settag(groupid[i]);          if (listcheckbox.ischecked()) {             int x=0;             flag[x]=listcheckbox.gettext().tostring();             x++;         }           layout.addview(listcheckbox);     }     mydb.close();      button bsubmit = new button(this);     bsubmit.settext("submit");     layout.addview(bsubmit);      bsubmit.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {          @override         public void onclick(view v) {             // todo auto-generated method stub              if (listcheckbox.ischecked()) {              }          }     }); } 

it depends of want store. want store id of selected checkboxes? override setoncheckedchangelistener save it's id on array (remember id 0 unless set it.)

do want save it's tag? override same method save tag instead.

here example of implementation of setoncheckedchangelistener:

list<string> mytaglist = new arraylist<string>(); listcheckbox.setoncheckedchangelistener(new compoundbutton.oncheckedchangelistener() {         @override         public void oncheckedchanged(compoundbutton buttonview, boolean ischecked) {             if(ischecked)                 mytaglist.add(buttonview.gettag());             else                 mytaglist.remove(buttonview.gettag());         }     }); 


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