random - How to easily shuffle a list in sml? -
how can shuffle list of tuples in sml? there doesn't seem built in function so.
i assume need use random number generator how move items in list have no idea.
this moscow ml's random library. sml/nj's random library, have adjust random functions slightly.
val _ = load "random" val rng = random.newgen () (* select([5,6,7,8,9], 2) = (7, [5,6,8,9]) *) fun select (y::xs, 0) = (y, xs) | select (x::xs, i) = let val (y, xs') = select (xs, i-1) in (y, x::xs') end | select (_, i) = raise fail ("short " ^ int.tostring ^ " elements.") (* recreates list in random order removing elements in random positions *) fun shuffle xs = let fun rtake [] _ = [] | rtake ys max = let val (y, ys') = select (ys, random.range (0, max) rng) in y :: rtake ys' (max-1) end in rtake xs (length xs) end
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