mongodb - How to find out key-value which matches to given value for a week using mongo? -
i have following collection structure -
[{ "runtime":1417510501850, "vms":[{ "name":"a", "state":"on", },{ "name":"b", "state":"off", }] }, { "runtime":1417510484000, "vms":[{ "name":"a", "state":"on", }, { "name":"b", "state":"off", }] },{ "runtime":1417510184000, "vms":[{ "name":"a", "state":"off", }, { "name":"b", "state":"off", }] },{ "runtime":1417509884000, "vms":[{ "name":"a", "state":"on", }, { "name":"b", "state":"off", }] },{ "runtime":1416905084000, "vms":[{ "name":"a", "state":"on", }, { "name":"b", "state":"off", }] } ]
the difference between these 2 documents 5 minutes represented 'runtime'. have many such documents.
i want find names state off week. condition state should off through out week (should not have single value 'on' key state).
e.g. in above data, if name 'b' off 1 week (by considering 1417510501850 current timestamp), expected output -
{ "name":"b", "state":"off" }
currently doing following-
1) find documents state 'off' greater 1 week using (currenttimestamp- 60*60*24*7) 2) apply loop result find name , check state.
can above output??
i suppose query should this
db.yourcollection.aggregate([{$unwind: "$vms"}, //unwind convenience {$match: {"vms.state": {$eq: "off"}, runtime: {$lt: - 7*24*60*60*1000}}}, //filter {$project: {name: "$", state: "$vms.state"}}]) //projection
this corrected query docs didn't have "on" status week. bit more difficult, see comments
db.yourcollection.aggregate([{$unwind: "$vms"}, //unwind convenience {$match: {runtime: {$lt: - 7*24*60*60*1000}}}, //filter period {$project: {_id: "$", state: "$vms.state"}}, //projection docs {_id: "a", state: "on"} {$group: {_id: "$_id", states: {$push: "$state"}}}, //group id see states in array {$match: {states: {$eq: "off", $ne: "on"}}}, //take docs have state "off" , not have state "on" {$project: {_id: "$_id", state: {$literal: "off"}}}]) //and convert required output
to understand query idea add 1 one pipe aggregate function , check result. hope helps.
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