exist-db : Issues with ant task xdb:adduser or xdb:users : no such handler -

i'm using ant scripts initializing exist-db. but, have script below (dummy version) working in local platform , not on procution one. i'm not 1 handle configuration of database, don't know in conf fix this.

here script (which trying add new user) :

<project basedir="." default="default" name="antproject">       <property file="load.properties"/>       <path id="classpath.core">       <fileset dir="${path}/lib/core">        <include name="*.jar"/>       </fileset>       <pathelement path="${path}\exist.jar"/>       <pathelement path="${path}\exist-optional.jar"/>      </path>       <typedef resource="org/exist/ant/antlib.xml" uri="http://exist-db.org/ant">       <classpath refid="classpath.core"/>      </typedef>       <target name="default">        <echo message="création du compte ${login}"/>       <xdb:adduser xmlns:xdb="http://exist-db.org/ant"         uri="xmldb:exist://${exist.uri}/exist/xmlrpc/db"        name="${login}" secret="${password}" primarygroup="${user.group}" user="${root.login}"        password="${root.password}"/>       </target>                   </project> 

i error message :

 xmldb exception caught: no such handler: default.setuser 

i same thing if use xdb:users task, xdb:store working well... i'm running exist 2.1, in both local , production plateform, , told, same scripts working on local one...

i guess, it's exist configuration, didn't find on enabling tasks in documentation. if help...

ok, got it. completeness, issue on jar librairies. seems used ones support xdb:store, not others tasks (didn't find release version of this)... ant depandancies quite tricky , it's hard know jars offer...


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