jquery - Retrieve nested javascript objects in Django view as a dict -

i have simple view receives ajax request containing javascript object. jquery request looks this:

$.get(url, {'kwargs': {test: 1}}, function(data){//whatever}) 

the problem is, request.get contains rather strange key , looks this:

{'kwargs[test]': [1]} 

how can decode this? side note, impossible know key (test) beforehand

the expected format obtained python dict looks 1 in request.

i've tried:

request.get.get('kwargs', none) 

and i'd expect result:

{'test': 1} 

however, none, real key 'kwargs[test]'


i know use kind of regex accomplish this, feels 'reinventing wheel', use case not rare

i recommend using json when communicating , forth between server , client type of situation. json meant handle these types of nested structures in uniform manner.

take @ using jquery $.getjson functionality, http://api.jquery.com/jquery.getjson/

the following example of how structure look...


var request_data = {kwargs: {test: 1}}; $.getjson(url, {data: json.stringify(request_data)}, function(data){//whatever}) 


import json def your_view(request):     my_json = json.loads(request.get['data']) 

doing allow parse request contains json data variable of choice (my_json). once assign variable results of json.loads(), have python object containing parsed requested json data , able manipulate object accordingly.

>>> my_json['kwargs'] {u'test': 1} 


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