javascript - Get value from directive in html table -

i using angular js. want value input inside row in table.

below there input element. when click button (add) need value particular row.


   <tr ng-click="" ng-repeat='customer in customers | filter:query | orderby: sort.field : sort.order'>         <td ng-repeat='field in fields'>            {{customer[field]}}        </td>        <td mult-ecs>            <p class="input-group">                 <span class="input-group-addon">rs</span>                 <input class="form-control" name="debit" type="text" ng-model="customer['id'].value">            </p>            <button ng-click="addmulecs(customer['id'])" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" >add</button>            <button ng-click="removemulecs(customer[id])" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" >remove</button>         </td>     </tr> 


.directive('multecs', ['$http', function($http){     return{         restrict: 'a',         replace:false,         scope:{         },         link: function(scope, elem, attr){             scope.addmulecs = function(id){              }         }     }   }]); 

image of table enter image description here

you can refer controller scope's variable binding directive scope. in case think one way binding suit situation.

in directive setting:

scope:{           localecsvalue : "@ecsvalue"     }, 

and in template :

<td mult-ecs ecs-value="customer['id'].value"> 

this bind scope.localecsvalue customer['id'].value in controller.

and in link function can :

scope.addmulecs = function(id){             alert( scope.localecsvalue() )         } 

be careful using ng-model inside directive. directive create isolated scope , cause ng-model not bind correct variable. check more info


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