linux - Deal with different directories in bash cron -

the problem...

i use trick77's ip blacklist script configure firewall of apache server , able run script in terminal.

however, when assigning bash script in ipset-blacklist crontab, not run no matter do.

code written in crontab file root:

@daily /var/bash/ 

what think culprit...

since haven't done sort of thing before, believe path of bash script isn't set correctly... again, i'm not sure.

i have seen others using line such path=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin resolve problems involving script's location, but, don't know does.

i set location of bash file /var/bash instead of /usr/bin , believe throwing things off.

pardon lack of understanding. beginner when comes bash.

any appreciated.

what have done...

per @etanreisner:

  1. added echo here >> /tmp/update-blacklist.out top of , set cron run every minute (* * * * *).

    the file created.

  2. added type -p curl grep egrep ipset >> /tmp/update-blacklist.out top of , returned:

-p: not found curl /usr/bin/curl grep /bin/grep egrep /bin/egrep ipset: not found

the output type ipset indicated ipset not in cron script path isn't surprising.

the default path cron jobs limited.

with ipset located in /usr/sbin path must added cron script's path variable.

you talked in question

i have seen others using line such path=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin resolve problems involving script's location, but, don't know does.

what set path variable paths (from whatever default value was).

the path variable contains paths shell looks binaries/scripts/etc. run when try run them commands.


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