sdk - Android - microsoft office viewer in my app -

what have / tried:

i developing android application. in have add viewer microsoft office documents(doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx) users. have searched in internet. got reference apachi poi , doc4j android.

so tried implement inside app. got lot of issues , not getting api references that. have posted question in stackoverflow. didn't solutions that.

so deciding add other third part office viewer sdks inside app view microsoft-office documents.

i searched in internet , got following third party document viewers.



what want: other third party office document viewer sdks available android? , best 1 implement inside app? give suggestions on this?

i know it's 2 years since question, people still asking if there solution.

the answer might more obvious think - use microsoft graph sdk:

there are, of course, equivalent ios sdks well:

although sdks aren't obvious "open word file", allow gain access office 365 functionality within own apps.

i hope helps someone...


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