angularjs - Actual role of WEB-INF in a java web application? -

i creating web application using java, spring, hibernate , angularjs. not understand role of web-inf directory. per know web-inf web directory keep our web configuration files. have seen example in angularjs app js , html put in web-inf folder , known web-inf not publicly accessed. why put files in web-inf , mean of publicly accessed when response request html , js visible clients, , if put in web-inf folder these files how access files.

i need clarification on these few points before starting app development. please can me regarding these issues.

as said, put configuration files web-inf folder. there cases when use resource files (e.g. html templates) not sent client as-is, transformations or parameter substitution happens, handled servlet.

it ok put such templates , resources web-inf folder because files should not visible/accessible clients result of transformations/parameter substitutions.


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