three.js - ThreeJS pass uv coordinates to RawShaderMaterial? -

i'm trying create shader texture map on scratch. looking @ other materials (shaders) , sources, seems have "uv" attribute passed them. i'm having hard time figuring out uv attribute generated , assigned. set on geometry, material, or both?

i'm using default three.geometry objects, three.spheregeometry. assumed have attributes set on them, when inspect meshes scene children don't see attribute key/value set on them.

this example of shader generated shadermaterial or other:

vertex shader

attribute vec2 uv; varying vec2 vuv;  void main()  {     vuv = uv; 

fragment shader

varying vec2 vuv; uniform sampler2d map;  void main()  {     vec4 texel = texture2d( map, vuv ); 

however, when attempt above, shader (with rawshadermaterial) goes blank , "could not compile."

is there magic in 3 sets relationship between shader, object , attributes?

i found three.js generate uv coordinate question, again, i'm guessing 3 default object has uv attributes set correctly?

i want use rawshadermaterial in case. can point me place in 3 source uvs generated objects / passed shaders, or tell me how set uvs use in fragment / vertex @ runtime?


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