ruby - vim snippets issue: different results in different filetypes -

i've added new set of snippets .vimrc (i'm using vundle , 2 plugins are: '' (the basic snippet package) , '' (some additional snippets - rspec me). they're setup plugins , installed plugininstall completes no errors.

here's strange part: snippets in rspec files (e.g., test_something_spec.rb) not work correctly, yet same snippet works fine plain ol' ruby file (e.g., myscript.rb).

the problem positioning of replace 1 character off left in x_spec.rb there's no space between keyword, such def, , method name type. here's example using desc (describe) snippet:

here's looks in ruby file right after type "desc{tab}"

desc snippet in ruby file

and here's looks in rspec file @ same place:

desc snippet in rspec file

there's same kind of problem using def snippet.

one more thing learned more testing: if _spec.rb file in main spec/ directory, works fine. it's problem when i'm using spec/features/myspec_spec.rb file... crazy or what?!


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