.htaccess - Htaccess conflict SEO Url friendly -

the code below seems conflict index.php

how go allowing index.php? :) > http://www.domain.com/

options -multiviews rewriteengine on rewritebase /  rewriterule ^(\w+)/?$ live.php?content=$1 [l,qsa,nc] 

note: still want rewrite url /$1

all grateful thank solution.

if have solution without affecting current structure feel free post below.

better add rewritecond avoid rewriting existing files/directories:

directoryindex index.php options -multiviews rewriteengine on rewritebase /  rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewriterule ^(\w+)/?$ live.php?content=$1 [l,qsa] 


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