c# - Updating Field in RavenDB Document -

good day,

i have ravendb json document in 1 field ("info") contains string looks this:

"{\"value1\":\"9\", \"value2\": \"dog\", ....}" 

i remove escaping "\" characters recognized json list ravendb.

however, have tried updating documents

newstring = oldstring.replace("\\", "") ,

newstring = oldstring.replace(@"\", "")

and newstring = oldstring.trim(new char[] { @"\" })

but not work. after applying these above mentioned methods string looks unchanged.

please see below full code:

            while(true)             {                 var result = session.query<documents>()                     .take(1000).skip(i)                     .tolist();                 if (result.count == 0)                     break;                  foreach (var r in result)                 {                     string rinfo = r.info.tostring();                     rinfo = rinfo.replace("\\", "");                      patched_doc r_doc = new patched_doc()                     {                         info = rinfo,                          value = "test",                         id = r.id,                         date = r.date,                     };                      session.store(r_doc);                     session.savechanges();                  }                  session.savechanges();                  += result.count;             }    public class patched_doc {     public string info { get; set; }     public string value { get; set; }     public int id { get; set; }     public string date { get; set; } } 

thank in advance helping.

you need parse json object , hand on raven db. strings treated strings. use json.net library parse anonymous objects. change info property type of object. assign anonymous object info property.


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