android - advise connecting mongodb and uniqush -

i have android , ios shopping app need send push notifications whenever new promotion stored in db. have mongodb our database , setup uniqush our push notification server. now, need advise on building robust integration system polls offers document collection in db , sends uniqush on http. technologies/frameworks should use , there open-source ready-made system? have tried simple implementation of meteor livequery not suitable handle more 100k users use app. running on centos distribution suggestions welcome. thanks

there isn't system ready that, there's variety of languages out there libs mongodb , clients uniqush. worked on simple ruby wrapper uniqush. mongoid popular mongodb client ruby.

you can build system relies on chronjobs pulling newest documents mongo every few minutes, or can use resque enqueue job run on background generate , request push notifications uniqush-push server every time offer created.

resque preferred option it's pretty standard , straightforward.

now, may find ruby being slow user base, can try use golang, same language uniqush-push--though irrelevant, fast language , have required libs connect mongo , can create client uniqush-push net/http standard lib.


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